How is she both kinda strange-looking and hot at the same time?

How is she both kinda strange-looking and hot at the same time?

Attached: gettyimages-1207186881.jpg (1024x688, 56.97K)

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don't care
i want to have sex with her

Jewish genes

because she could pass as eastern European.
slav triangle face, only with wider eyes than most

She's not fat which makes her automatically a 8/10 in 2020.
Any other decade she'd be a 4.

She just is, isn’t it great?
Hunter Schaefer isn’t fat

She has hit the wall bro

She's only hot because she's rich and has a team of professionals around her. Without it, she would be mid no cap.

>Hunter Schaefer isn’t fat
And??? He's an average looking dude. Most women probably rate him a 4.

need a rich Any Forumschad to pay her to dress up in blood elf cosplay.
specifically this

her face looked like a deepfake in multiple scenes of the northman

Sexy goat.

She has a great profile. Only her front looks alien. Then those two shift together depending on perspective, creating this weird impression.


What's Anya's foot game like?

Most truly beautiful people have an ugliness to them. An "X factor", if you will.

Kek No.
Truly beautiful people stay beautiful. Elizabeth Hurley for instance. Still hotter than 90% of women in her late 50's


>Elizabeth Hurley

Attached: 336475-It-s-In-The-Eyes.-Always-The-Eyes..jpg (1075x1075, 37.37K)

She’s a Wood Elf. And I wood in a heartbeat.