What sort of kino is favoured by deano?

what sort of kino is favoured by deano?

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The Wilf of Wall Street
Django Unchained
Inglorious Bastards
Hot Fuzz
The Hangover

the fast & furious movies

Ricky Gervais' After Life

Love Island

Is that his mom? I'm judging solely by the amount of bogging going on.

did she get hip implants or something

The musical catalog of Ollie Wride

Are deanos and their slags the equivalent of jersey shore types?

He watches sports exclusively. Mostly footy with the lads

what do they eat?

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Mr Bean

Wasnt there a Call of Duty map like this?

deanos are basically what you get when you cross the lower middle class variety of chav with a bachelors degree (2.2) in business studies and the resulting white collar job

why is everything so goddamn soulless nowadays

although to be fair Britain has always been an awful grey soulles dystopian landscape, I swear to fucking God there's nothing more depressing than the British working class -- I would rather be a Kentucky coalminer than live in some rainy blue collar English shithole

Saint Deano Eglise

No, that's the kino favoured by his moody son

>Homes in England are getting made with cheaper materials, less floor area/foot print, and considerably smaller windows to save money even further
>Home in England are now more expensive, in some cases twice the price of equivalent home 30 years older
I wish there was an investigation in to housing developers

The Chase

>those teeny tiny little legs
>thinner than stace's legs
I didnt know deano skipped leg day.

How easy is it for developers to get planning permission to build on greenbelt land?

I saw a pack of Deanos down the pub on Friday afternoon, whole load of tight shirts and trousers, boat shoes with no socks, arm tattoos and fade haircuts.

Literally made for Deano

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are there sub-breeds of deanos? do scotland/wales/north ireland have their own version of deanos?

Very easy in the South East, the government were giving local councils money if they freed up land for housing development, there's new housing popping up everywhere.

She shit on the floor

>tfw waking up next to your bogf after a ruff nite

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were their arms big but their legs skinny?

Deano is an English and Welsh phenomenon. There are insufficient Barratt housing estates and Nandos to sustain a population in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

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Good question

Layer Cake is more deanocore