I took this pic today, now say “thank you” for not being born in Eastern Europe

I took this pic today, now say “thank you” for not being born in Eastern Europe

Attached: 320ED58E-E3D3-4586-A55B-B4EE67AE69E2.jpg (4032x3024, 826.08K)

thanks for nothing

Nigga it gets foggy everywhere.
That city looks pretty standard

You don’t live in Eastern Europe, that’s enough to be thankful for

I mean this with respect and sympathy, but that photo looks like complete horse shit mate

Don’t you see the depressing commie blocks ?

how can I complain if this all I've ever known?

At least you have buildings.

Attached: help.jpg (1582x882, 177.92K)

Everything in Eastern Europe looks like horseshit mate.

the skyline of every English industrial city looks like this

The skyline of EVERY Eastern European city looks like this, imagine the suffering

Thank you, I guess...

Russia is Eastern Europe

Comfy, thanks

all I see is no suffering

You people are mentally ill

What you need is a king of old to return.

Attached: chad_mortenson.jpg (582x631, 31.39K)

You wouldn't understand how much I suffer.

Attached: Screenshot_20220823-042715.png (1080x1326, 2.8M)

Eh, could be worse.


holy soul

i don't have to imagine

Attached: 13684.png (4351x882, 828.35K)

England is eastern europe.

False. Pic related is the skyline of your caputal.
You can't suffer in SLovakia , nor in any of the v4 nations. Simple as.

Attached: slovakia_bratislava_750.jpg (750x468, 195.67K)