Convince me not to move to one of these cunts

Convince me not to move to one of these cunts

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i dont give a fuck what you do dog

fuck off, fuck your own sluts.

sex sex sex

Bolivia is indio land, go to Argentina, white land.

you don't speak the language

Iceland is cold, barren and dark
They also don't accept immigrants, unless they're a Polish criminal

Very odd selection of cunts....what they even have in common?

no blacks or browns (other than indigenous people)

best place to be in the world this century is the southern hemisphere
australians dont know how good they have it

indigenous people are asianx

except thailand

I want you to be happy, user. Go for it.

Outside of the European ones, Japan and
South Korea all those countries are trash

you sound like a fairy

>lives in a first world nanny sate with gibs every nook & corner
> that a brown skined man! I am going insane! Must go to some second World shithole!!!
Polcel minds are truly fascinating

And yet you kicked out the whites who gave you luxury, really makes you think.

Why would you come here?

move to greenland
it's really pretty, if you like snow

none of those are my country so its not my problem

>India=resorces extraction colony
>Aus=genocidal settler colony
There was nothing "luxurious" for average Indian in white rule, chudcel also you will never be a normal human-you are abnormal to average aussies plus abnormal to the cunts you maped

I bet the Mughals didn't let you shit in the street like animals either

Just don't come to Buenos Aires. Or at least try to look like a local, but you'll get mugged anyways.

Australia is the best place for lives.

Why won't stay in there?:0

Gaijin, stay home.

I have a friend that moved from Australia to Poland, he's in general happy, he mentioned that real estate is way cheaper here, he lived in Sydney suburbs and apparently houses there are crazy expensive while in Poland you can afford a decent house/apartment being a normal wagie.
But the downside is that its cold and dark much of the year. My buddy actually was happy about it as he said that it was super hot and humid where he lived in Australia. We dont have negroes true, but outside of major cities the quality of life and public serices are rather poor and most likely worse that in Australia.

you can't suffer in jomonpan


