Do you love the North of Spain?

Do you love the North of Spain?

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De alli han salido los peores traidores y los mayores patriotas, de Rafael Riego hasta Franco.

Castilla is not the north.

Why isn't Catalonia Norf? also, why just a bit of Galicia and not the entire region?

Burgos and Soria are


OP is baiting. The north is the entire Cantabrian coast + Navarra


>Speed of sound, was proposed by the Cordoba scholar Ibn Hazm (994–1064 AD). Ibn Hazm argued and calculated the speed of sound by echoes in the Mosque of Cordoba. He is also credited as being the first to propose that thunder was a production of lightning.

>Brass type movable printer press/first printing device in Europe, first invented in Muslim Spain 100 years prior to the invention of printing press, by Johannes Gutenburg of Germany, in 1454.

>Metronome, invented by Ibn Firnas (9th century)

>Water and weight driven mechanical clocks, by Spanish Muslim engineers sometime between 900–1200 AD.

>Mercuric oxide, first synthesized by Abu al-Qasim al-Qurtubi al-Majriti (10th century).

>Modern surgery. Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (936–1013 AD), better known in the west as Albucasis, is regarded as the father of modern surgery and is the most quoted surgeon of all times. Albucasis invented over 200 tools for use in surgery - many still in use today.

>Antiseptics were in used as early as the 10th century in hospitals in Islamic Spain. Special protocols, in Al Andalus, were used to keep hygiene before and after surgery.

>Pharmacopoeia (book of medicine). During the 14th century, the physician from Malaga, Ibn Baytar, wrote a pharmacopoeia naming over 1400 different drugs and their uses in medicine. This book was written 200 years before the supposed first pharmacopoeia was written by German scholar in 1542.

>Ligatures, described in the work of al-Zarawi (936–1013 AD), Kitab al-Tasrif, one of the most influential books in early modern medicine. Describes the process of performing a ligature on blood vessels.

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León es mucho más norteña que esos dos secarrales llenos de pelagatos

No, León is mesetera

Santiago se cierra a españa

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no, I dont live incel celtic-larpers

>trannie star

Great cities and landscapes t.b.h, the atlantic ocean has something magic

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Un gallego imbécil, para sorpresa de nadie

Q estoy de broma subnormales! Q sensibles sois

I'm of basque descent through my father's side so yes. One day I'll travel and do the camino de santiago

Galicia yes, they are the best part of Spain for me

Fucking cuckroaches, universal diaspora

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asturias... matamoros... soy kneel

we don't use that word anymore

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