Ukrain has white GODESS milf as prime minister

>ukrain has white GODESS milf as prime minister
Ok i not longer supprt rusia
S(ex)lava ukraina

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why do some countries have presidents and prime ministers at the same time

semi-presidental system

i wonder what kind of parties she goes to

She has been completely irrelevant for the last decade


president: head of state
prime minister/chancellor: head of government

so the president is your equivalent of a queen? wtf is wrong with r*publics

shes ugly and retarded

depends on the system? You could also ask the UK why do they have a Prime Minister

Because they're gay

yes, only he's elected


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God save Olaf Scholz

Here the president is just the face of the country more than anything else, he doesn't have any real power

hes not president, no one gives a shit about the president of germany

I genuinely do not understand why presidents have to exist in parliamentary republics.

hang on does this mean macron is the queen of france

even our emperors used to be elected back in the day (by an electorate 7 princes, that is)

Attached: 800px-Balduineum_Wahl_Heinrich_VII.jpg (800x574, 257.62K)

i cant speak for others butin Austria the President has a lot of powerss (similar to france or russia) per constitution, however de facto mot power i with the Council of Ministers and the Chancellor.

The President is largely ceremonial however still appoints and dimisses the Government and various other appointments, he may also dissable Parliament and is the supreme commander of the armed forces

whats so hard about the term "Head of State"

They don't have a pm. Macron is a king of Andorra.

france does have a PM, which is appointedby the President and can be removed by Parliamentary vote, which they tried to do to topple Macrons Government after the election

president is pretty much powerless, he just represents the country, meets people and signs documents
prime minister is the real person of power who controls stuff

No, the president in France has a lot of power, the president of Germany (or Barbados, or Singapore, etc) has none

What's the case in Poland? Isn't the polish system more similar to France than Germany

this picture is so old that when it was shoot I thought Russia had a strong military

we're somewhere in between
the president of Germany is a literally who, I'm pretty sure 99% of people don't even know his name because chancellor has all the power
our president isn't as powerless but it's still far from the French or American system

President is supposed to handle foreign affairs while PM leads the internal politics.