Just 100 billion dollars more and they will be besieging Moscow next week!!

Attached: Screenshot_20220821-135336-1.jpg (487x370, 101.21K)

>2nd most powerful military the world has ever known
>can't defeat hohols with guns

Attached: russian army powerful.webm (1160x948, 1.71M)

Whats a HIMAR though?

Game looks pretty changed from late february my man.

Also not Any Forums related

Hohols are being armed by the 1st most powerful military in the world though. Plus intelligence and volunteers.

Why do the mods just let the Brazilian spam stupid shit all day but if you make any thread even lightly ribbing Russia it gets pruned

Yeah yeah 6 million destroyed HIMarses

because the Russian government pays their trolls to apply for janitor positions here. It's an extremely easy way for them to subtly control narratives on a popular site.

It doesn't mean much.
Ukraininans are more resilient than you are willing to admit, Pedro

when zircon missile?

It's a proxy

>lol ukraine doesn't have a chance, the greatest military force in human history will annihilate ukinazis in a special operation within a week!
180 days, tens of thousands of russian casualties, thousands of destroyed russian armor and sunken flagship of black sea navy later
>w-well at least ukis can't besiege moscow any time soon, so it kinda is russian victory, right? right?!

paid shill
also jannys mother deserves to be violently raped and killed

>US keeps sending more
nothin personnel

Hopefully we distance ourselves from Russia after this and stick more to the west, I don't want to be on the losers side.

Any Forums in 1970
>what do you mean US is losing in vietnam?! the vietnamese don't have the ability to besiege washington dc! US has this in the bag.

Why Brazilian as a proxy? And why not change the proxy sometimes?

>"этo нe я" starts playing

How does billions worth of arms not mean much?
When did I make any assessment of ukranian resilience?
How do you know my name?

You'll be one of the main gas sellers to Europe, don't worry, they'll try to stick to you.

Not even close though, First the geography in Ukraine is much easier to navigate than a jungle country, plus they are connected by land so it should be easier attack directly or by distance.
What happened so much is nothing short of an embarrassment to Russia and I fear things might lead to a civil war soon.

The weapons do matter, but so does the will to fight. Afghanistan folded in weeks despite plenty of weapons and Ukraine held on in the initial weeks against all expectations, buying time for more weapons to be delivered.
If nothing else, Russia being grinded to a halt by a proxy war getting NATO hand me downs (and no F35s, etc) is pretty embarrassing considering their carefully curated and wildly inflated image of their armed forces.
Some people still believed Russia could sweep Europe, now the debate is whether they could beat Poland.

>2nd most powerful military the world has ever known
Do you brainfucked retards over at reddit actually believe this shit?

he's making fun of russiaboos claiming that russia is the second best military (or the best because have you seen the epic spetsnaz video of masculine russian soldiers doing blackflips and throwing axes) in the world you autist.