Choose wisely

Choose wisely.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>chin in
>chimp out

the Chad Morning Leader Reader
the virgin Yellow Press Reader

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What newspapaper is that?

Now instead of racing they fight over who has to pedal

Chad and Virgin/Incel hasn't changed for centuries. Question is why haven't ugly men and manlets completely been removed from the gene pool? Was patriarchical societies to blame for such disgenics? Most god awful uglies got to breed if they had the basic money and property because women didn't enter the workforce.

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>this makes pinkos seethe to no end


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Comrade Gigachad

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we have the same memes

ugly women and womanlets keep polluting the gene pool

>only men carry genes
Is this what they teach in your African country?

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They got to choose better women THOUGH removing some of the uglies. No matter things are correcting themselves zoomers now mog all the past generations.


I thought that said: the oooo business man

More or less.
Arranged marriages are utterly awful from a genetic point of view

>zoomers now mog all the past generations.
In terms of height? That has more to do with nutrition, at least femur length. I've seen more than one lanklet with a small head and a face like the yellow press guy.


>Arranged marriages are utterly awful from a genetic point of view
Maybe from an aesthetic point of view. The vast majority of Jews had been using matchmakers until relatively recently and they may have some genetic problems but overall they're pretty successful I'd say.