What is the movie equivalent ?

what is the movie equivalent ?

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No Country

Watching flys eat horse shit

rupauls drag movie

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Mix of Mind Hunter and True Detective

what's the appeal? i just peaked wikipedia and it has 81 episodes

something like this didn't need to be animated at all.

it's overrated.

doctor saves a kid who got shot in the head (and loses his job as a result) kid grows up to be a psycho and they chase each other around 1980s Europe. It's arguably the only kino anime.

>kid grows up to be a psycho and they chase each other around 1980s Europe
why would he chase him around Europe

A cute twink is a master manipulator and serial killer, the only person that can stop him is a doctor that cares too much.

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Name a brother sister acting pair to play the main characters that can convincingly crossdress as each otherbonus points if they aren't trannies

cause he keeps murdering people and the doctor starts to regret saving him/thinks it's his responsibility to stop him

Silence of the Lambs

This is easily the most overrated anime. I fucking hate the detective who uses the air as a typewriter, it's so fucking autistic and dumb.

It's an incredibly enjoyable watch. I don't know how to describe it, but I guess it really captures the bittersweet sensation of when you're traveling, and making short stops in different places, and you wonder about the people and their lives, and maybe connect with someone very strongly at some point, and then have to part ways after two days. Kind of like the way the train scene in Spirited Away feels. Or Lost in Translation, that really gets at it too. But this goes on for much longer so it almost feels like traveling with the character in real time (he's wandering around Germany and a bit of Eastern Europe, from what I recall), and by the time it ends you feel very connected to it

>master manipulator
more like he's professor X using his mind control powers to make people do what he wants them to

Something that wastes a ridiculous amount of time and has one of the shittiest endings ever made but is still praised by everyone? Avengers Endgame

it's mostly praised by people who exclusively watch anime but want their medium to look "mature" for onlookers.
t.used to be a weeb, that's how I used most of Urasawa's works.

The show feels like it's going in a sort of paranormal or demonic direction for a while, but similar to True Detective that ends up being a red herring, unless you are inclined to read between the lines and attribute the guy's influence to something demonic or psychic. Plus there's all that stuff with the monster metaphor and digging up this old Slavic folktale about a demon, that really seems like it's going to be like there's some demon or egregore that is working through the guy. Again, one can interpret it that way, but the show doesn't really give you any strong indication by the end that you should (I kind of do but that's more because I believe in a hidden spiritual dimension to things so that's just how I read life on one level while also knowing how to do more academic reads or whatever, not that I'm one of those people who think that, like, a Kubrick or Lynch movie is specifically ABOUT this or that or is sending a message, I just mean that everything is ultimately downstream of principalities / spirit).