Saying that the Philippines is "Asian Mexico" is an insult to Mexico and its people

Saying that the Philippines is "Asian Mexico" is an insult to Mexico and its people
At least Mexico has an actual precolonial history, culture, legit European blood than mere larping while also has 3 times bigger economy than Philippines

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Now seriously, who's the Mexico of Asia, India, the Philippines, Iran?

In what aspect?

I respect my Pinoy brothers

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thanks Mexbro
same to you
hope to visit your country someday

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>legit European blood
God damn white boys really broke yall minds

Idk, like in the aggregate.

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>legit european blood

majority of mexicans look like absolute indios, they're barely mixed

>legit european blood

don't worry, people do that here too. people like pinch at what tiny upper nose bone they have and claim to be european. or if they have like light brown skin instead of dark brown they claim to be white ahahhaha

most of the time they refer to being white as "american". lmao

This is true. We are all the brownest shade of brown. My name is actually Cuauhtemoc Garza

regio detected
>people like pinch at what tiny upper nose bone they have
we conquered philippines THOUGH
our descendants :)

He means that people try to get pointier noses by pinching the nose bridge

That works? We never even heard about that shit

>That works?

dude people here shower like 10x a day using fucking laundry detergent on their skin trying to become paler lmao

what's wrong with asean pipo? gay people love flips, you should just all take the gaypill

Wow, you guys really are cucked huh
At most people here only use soap and skin lotion

I'm curious what will be the long-term health effects of doing that


There isn't a single drop of moorberian blood in my Amerindian veins

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>This is what America does to the Hispanosphere

Fucking grim

It's historically accurate because the Philippines were part of New Spain THOUGH

Why Indonesia is so schizo about Philippines?

Muslims vs Catholics?

its just banter

I will avenge my Moro brother

The Mexican(Amerindian) man marches on, BRVTHER.

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Better save your energies to avenge your buckbroke nation from the D*tch.