So ends another day of not being american

so ends another day of not being american
wish me better luck tomorrow, I hope to wake up in maine

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That pepe really looks like he'd be some English professor in a private college in Maine

Post your favorite picture of Maine

why maine

Maine is beautiful

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>Noooo I’m so sad that I’m a a part that has crated and maintained the civilised west, I wish I was a mutt

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A part of the race*
Please excuse my greasy and chubby master race fingers

it is peak comfy
lol austria is nice and all but I yearn for the sea

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Why don't you just aim for something like the Hebrides? Similar vibe but way easier to move to.

Easy, we just marry and I transport you here

are you a cute girl?
America has some obvious economic advantages and with brexit moving to britain isn't really that easy anymore anyway

Maine's nice. I'd say as far as people go, Maine, Buffalo, and Minnesota have really nice folks.

Maine is is nice for coastal comfy. Minnesota is nice for hinterland comfy. Buffalo is pretty miserable. It reminds me too much of poverty towns in Ontario.

>inb4 "waah [some other state] is the COMFIEST"
>I haven't been to all 50 states, of the states I've been to, Maine and Minnesota were comfy, but this was several years ago now

Wanna trade? you can live in California

>Your wishes come true and you wake up in Maine.
>You pass the nearby school bus stop on your way to pick up some eggs Hannaford

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Nope but you can definitely find one here. I’m not in it for the marriage, just to help a bro out

>You pass some locals on your walk up Sabattus street

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I live in Vermont now but grew up in Maine. Pretty nice aslong as you are okay with snow

Which do you like better? How would you compare them culturally? I suppose a big part would depend if you’re more into mountains or the sea.

How come the whitest states like Minnesota and north east have imported blacks?

He said Maine

>You think about picking up some fancy ethnic beans but this lady's scowl scares you away

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She’s probably sad and cold

Maine didn't import them they chose to move here to get away from blacks in the cities that they were sent to.

I prefer Vermont simply because I like mountains over sea. Although I do love Maine aswell, both very KINO places. Maine and Vermont are culturally the same outside a few exceptions

>Maine, Buffalo, and Minnesota have really nice folks.
The only person I know from Maine is this guy who has a ridiculous accent and is a total schizo asshole