Is America really as far as they’re stereotyped as?

Is America really as far as they’re stereotyped as?

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why are latinas such whores.

Ok that's the last time I'm saying this
Left. Is. Superior.

The guy who has to cope by choosing the less hot girl because instead of a 0.00% chance he has a 0.0000001% chance of getting with her
Das you

They both look identical

No, we're close.

you really can not suffer wherever that is

Would sniff, lick, and fuck both of them, and squeeze my pubococcygeus muscle with the strength of 1000 Aztec eagle warrios in mid-creampie so I could pull out and creampie the other one with the same load.

>this is what these thirdies posting here in their mansions wake up to everyday

Attached: Sad.jpg (720x676, 29.78K)

imagine being this face blind

Lithuania is thirdie too user

I agree

One day I will fly over lots of thirdies and put up lodging for them in my cabin. Then watch from afar with my binoculars as they balkanize the rooms and then join the EU before collapsing.

We are a second world shithole. WAY far from thirdies.

Take that back or i’ll put a price on your head

Americans literally can't suffer

yeah, but i still suffer mate

Based autist.

Would the alternative of prudish, non-binary women be better? No, of course not. I'd rather have party girls over that any day.

>non-binary women
Many people don't get this correlation

Nope, right has better cleavage, complexion and face.

yeah but left fucks and sucks better

And you are correct

Probably, but since I'll just be looking at them, doesn't play into my thinking.

I share this sentiment too my fren

Kind of, yeah. The really bad obesity is mostly concentrated among the poor. Go to any event featuring mostly them and it's absolutely disgusting, like the state fair I just went to. But my own personal circle of friends and family is fairly fit outside of a few.

the obese and normal populations are very segregated imo
rn the young people at least where i live all go to the gym and weight lifting is very trendy right now
all my friends are fit and most of my family/family friends are normal, i dont personally know anyone whos obese but a lot of middle ages people are kind of fat

i imagine this is a lot different for poor areas down south which i hear are very obese