Is your ticket ready?

Is your ticket ready?

Attached: austin-butler-elvis.png (1600x1600, 2.1M)

no thanks, im already gay

>grow up in 90s
>Elvis still “the king”
>constant references and parodies in media
>treated like some messianic figure where conspiracy wackos say he was abducted by aliens and will return
>literally no presence or relevance
>forgotten except for “that white boy that stole music from black folk”
What happened?

I was watching a video of elvis the other day and got this massive incomprehensible depression wave realising I will never be around in his prime and kiss him and marry him. It can never ever happen. He may as well not be real like an anime girl or something, it’s something my heart yearns for so bad and it is unfeasible in every way.

the older the thing gets less people care about it

dumb nigger

Tom Hanks has never been more disturbing and pedophilic than this trailer. Hard to watch even for a minute.


I was interested in it, until Baz "Ingesting Semen is My Passion" Luhrmann felt the need to rape 1950's music with 2022 "WE FINNA" Doja Cat trash. It's gonna make the movie feel immediately more outdated than if they had just used era-appropriate music.

because he was a white christian and socialists are trying to erase that

didn’t he bag a cunny too? his life seemed pretty based until he died of an overdose while taking a shit

>use new music
>"fr dis inappropriate"
>use old music
>"who dis old mf dey aint even spit bars"
fucking hell pick a side...there's plenty of old music in the movie
twitter I think. I was thinking the same. threads I've made get archived after 2 posts
funny thing is he didn't steal music he actually was the only one helping black people back then and they all regard him. but black people had to turn it into a victimization thing

Attached: Hound Dog-1956.webm (720x480, 2.86M)

>use old music
>"who dis old mf dey aint even spit bars"
They're doing it in a thinly-veiled attempt to bring in that eternally-desired younger audience, but who under the age of 30 even gives a fuck about Elvis anyway?

>didn’t he bag a cunny too
Multiple, over many years. Dude liked 'em young. Truly the hero that Any Forums deserves.

>who under the age of 30 even gives a fuck about Elvis anyway
me, and I'm 21

Is his manager suppose to be a stereotypical jew?

>born in le wrong generation
Every Youtube comment section ever.

>What happened?
Unironically niggers.
Rock n' Roll has never beem more dead ever since the the 2010s rolled around.
No great rock stars emerged, nigger culture got increasingly more pushed and now rap is the mainstream music pop genre.
Rock is a white genre
>inb4 muh nigger precursors
All vastly outnumbered by their white counterparts and Rock takes as much from country as it does from soul, so don't start
So because it's white, it's being slowly erased
For proof look no further than the Rolling Stone, whose credibility died somewhere in the 80s but still kept going as a corporate sellout.
Their 'The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time' was originally released in 2004, then revised in 2010. Then they released a completely new list in 2021, one whose top was almost entirely nigger and who was filled with nigger in it's entirety
Elvis stopped being relevant because whites are now irrelevant

Why the fuck did it have to be austin butler

Because he remembered to cradle Baz's balls while making eye contact during the "audition."

my gf is in this, ama

couldn't they find someone who at least resembles Elvis? Elvis was know for his looks, amongst other things, and they get some ugly, beta looking crackhead to play him? Whats up with that?

Racist but true

are you proud of her