Do you have an intellectual humor in your country?

Do you have an intellectual humor in your country?

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I don't get it

Aha that is so great! EVIL scientist cat!!

It is a joke about that thought experiment that "kills a cat", but not really. KEK

why is this fucking experiment the only thing burgers know about science and they STILL get it wrong

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>Haha lol shroedingers car bro
The theory he proposed of time being able to viewed ”broad” instead of ”tall” is actually very interesting to me

Like the whole shroedinger theorem concerns the theory of quantum immortality, and that instead of our normal perception of combinatorics as a spinning wheel where all the choices are contained in one timeline and a 1/100 chance means if you spin the wheel a hundred times it should land on one spot once, instead the theory of quantum immortality is that time and events are broad right? Meaning that a 1/100 chance isn’t a 1 tested a hundred times, but rather 99 0% chances and 1 100% chance, and because of how congnition works that thought needs a thinker we always experience the one that went ”right”.

It’s schizo as shit, but i’m really intrigued by the mathematics behind quantum physics like this


Fuck you swissfag. Protons are in millions of spots right this second, they react to each other in different periods of time and it'a actually one time travelling particle constantly reacting with itself


and there was hook man door man handle hook car door

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That's not intellectual at all

quantum what?
its literally about the simple fact that as soon as you try to measure quantum phenomena the wave/probablity collapses into particle, while it possible exists in both states when not "perceived"

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Jesus, this is one of those things that are so bad, that actually end up being funny.

amazing you even know the latin name for iron youre just so incredibly smart



latin? i thought science people just made it up

kek i too love science

i didnt think as highly of historical people, but i watched some talks from pic related
turns out, even the romans did have machines and such, just not on an industrialized massive scale.

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The joke is that the boyfriend didn't have to fatally drive into the wall. It parodies the idea of someone sacrificing themselves to save someone else from certain doom as in this case the danger was completely avoidable.

i get it haha does anybody else have more of these science jokes? they are actually funny once you understand it

what an odd way of talking about the Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics...

Anyway, start here:
then maybe read Mathematical Universe by Max Tegmark
