Why brazilians love jews?

why brazilians love jews so much?

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the vast majority of people who support israel have been brainwashed into doing so
if they understand the bare minimum of the reality of the conflict between israel and palestine, even the dumbest motherfucker would be in palestine favor

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The average brazilian poster

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The old white men fear the brown people alliance


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Powerful flag

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i wont die for israel, sorry

Most of them are religicous people that feel like Christ will be back again so they LARP about Jews being in Jerusalem and repeating everything.

Why religious larp bro I thought we were friends

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It has nothing to do with that. There are lots of crazy people who are like I said. Don't get me wrong, I'm somewhat ok with Israel, but I'm not like them. They are the ones doing weird shit like waving US/Israel flags on political manifestations.

Evangelicals do this

American soft power at work, our (so called) right wing has become a giant caricature of american neocons in the bible belt


y'all wanna eat a hala?

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Is this a one sided relationship? I feel like Israelis would hate Brazilians irl

thirdies just copy everything america does

Evangelicals are spreading like vermin throughout the country

They probably don't give a shit about anything here besides football. Seriously, before we had our chud meme president, how long has it been since the last time you heard about us?

brazil is like 30% protestant rn

We keep a balanced approach. At some point there was an emphasis on the defense of Western values against fundamentalist excesses in the Middle East. It's contextual.