3.6m~ population

>3.6m~ population
>130k km2 land in Europe
>BALTic sea

Attached: 0123.png (1027x731, 14.5K)

It's called the Eastern Lake in Swedish


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why are swedes so racist

My condolences

It's 2.7m now and only 2.2m of those are lithuanians. Don't worry too much, atleast you're not living here.

is it true that you guys love basketball?

I was wondered when found out Baltic means white

Lithuanians (very) love basketball and Latvians (very) love hockey.

>Baltic means white
yeah, he looks white

Attached: Baruto Kaito.jpg (591x612, 68.29K)

wow baltics are huge, do you have tigers?

Made for BGS (big German settler)

Attached: Deutsche_Ostsiedlung.png (1181x1575, 351.05K)

>made for b-ACK

Attached: e27817e3-1237-45bf-8cd6-2dfb04143f6a_16x9_1200x676 (1).jpg (1200x674, 61.79K)

>I can't eat

Attached: Screenshot_20220821-152257.png (1080x1721, 721.03K)

They used to have some back in 1940's (1941 to 1944). They've been feeding them and taking care if them. Luckily the whole population of Tigers went extinct by 1945.

ok herr Meyer

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What is this about

rooskies raping white wimmins

red army chads literally raped the entire nation. here is the wife of their chancellor
>the age of 12, Hannelore Kohl was "one of the girls battered and defiled by Stalin's soldiers", multiple times raped by multiple Soviet soldiers and then thrown out of a window. In addition to psychological trauma, the attacks left her with a fractured vertebra and back pain for the rest of her life

t. Still has to bow down to Muslims despite already giving them their own country

Sar I know you don't have internet in inda only telegraph, but kohl hasn't been chancellor for over 20 years sar

isn't your population like 2.7 million?
t. 3.8 million