Obi Wan is one the best Jedi fighters that have existed

Obi Wan is one the best Jedi fighters that have existed

He should be able to kill her in one swift swoop, how is she even a threat??

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He hasn't trained in 10 years.


And before dueling Kylo Rey never trained in her life. Your point?

She has the black diversity armor

the power of minority vagina

He knew he'd get called racist if he beat her.

Women of African descent are the strongest fighters in the galaxy.

>He hasn't trained in 10 years.
That itself is bad writing because it reveals a lack of understanding about the who the character is.

He killed Maul in one hit as an old fart.

Which is itself retarded. He went to Tatooine to protect Luke, which would require being fit to do that. If he's just going to be wasting away in a hovel and occasionally buying broken toys, he might as well not be there. The whole concept is wrong.

Just as well that Disney shit isn't canon. It's just trash.

Rey never trained in her whole life and was able to beat basically everybody right away

She's the chosen one, it doesn't count

I find you lack of grammar disturbing

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he hasn't take a shit in 10 aeons.

i think you underestimate black privilege woke plot armour

Mentally ill mouse shill

black minority vagina!* never forget.
minority which is 60% of all modern entertainment.
30 goes to asians and only 10 to whites.

You need to be braindead to find this show interesting. Imagine ever coming back to watch this again. Hardly anything happens and nothing makes sense.

You right. I forgot about how Chosen One Anakin decimated one of the most powerful Jedi of the era with no training at all. Or did he get his ass handed to him with ten years of training? I forget.

Anakin isn't the chosen one, watch the movies. Rey is the one, Anakin was a red herring

Obi-Wan doesn't have Rey's vagina power plot armor.

Not canon.