What happens here?

Are these small green spots actually a ‘country’ with schools, banks, army, etc.?

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wtf is green spots?

Palestine or what remains of it

wtf is palestine?
also it looks like a map of israel but they forgot golan

הוא סובל מהזיות שיש מדינות קטנות על העור שלו

Israel doesnt exist.

but i live there, if it doesn't exist then where do i live?

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You live in Palestine.

It could have been but they got too cocky and said no we wuz kangz and saladin and shit

were not saladin whatever that is idk what you're talking about

Palestinians should've accepted the 1946 partition plan

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but my passport, citizenship, and driving license all say Israel, this "Palestine" isn't mentioned anywhere.

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You made this thread yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and the day before and...

what's palestinians?

kill yourself PP

The definition of not my problem

That doesn't mean shit. It's all about politics. I also have Liberland passport. What does this make me? None. Because it doesn't benefit the US.

You are directly responsible for it. You allowed and supported it but you keep crying about muh human rights in the middle east
Where was human rights when palestinian children were massacred and kicked out of their homes? You piece of shit

no, Europe is not responsible for it, you dumb nigger. Also Jews were expelled from the Arab world too, so maybe stop acting as victim and accept that Israel is there to stay. Or get rid of your corruption and incompetence and finally cleanse Israel off the map like you tried and failed multiple times.

>You are directly responsible for it
no I'm not
>You allowed and supported it
no I didn't
>but you keep crying about muh human rights in the middle east
no I don't
I think you misunderstand me as someone who supports israel because I in fact do not. I literally couldn't give a single shit about what shithole is in power in this region. I could not care less about what happens in the middle east. The only reason why the middle east is ever even brought up in my mind is because their useless cretin immigrants can't stop migrating here. My meme solution to the palestinian problem is to give the entirety of it to the vatican

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those small dots are palestinian area A territories in the west bank in which palestinians have full autonomy under the leadership of the PA as agreed upon between the israeli government and the PA during the oslo accords

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how does it not mean shit?
if id get arrested back home i won't be arrested by the "Palestinian" police, id be arrested by the Israeli police

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I should also mention around 85% of the palestinian population lives in that area and that it includes almost all the big cities like ramallah and jericho

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I don't know fren. It doesn't matter, what matters is that I think I fell in love with you. Are you free next weekend?

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i am in fact not free next weekend

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Sorry to hear that, I will then instead spend my time with my cat as always. But if anything changes, let me know.

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