Is this true Koreabros?

Is this true Koreabros?

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I bet this person is brown lol.

Why are koreans so racist bros?

Incorect albino friend.

It's almost always whitoid weebs with the time and money and obsession to go to these countries and get bullied for being an ignorant pigskin.

Hail Nippon

I never faced racism ever here. Im ethnic korean

I have been to Korea and they were very nice to me. Darkies cry about Koreans on the internet every day though.

Wh*Toids murder asians on a daily basis in America yet they get treated as gods here.

>poor browncel outs himself

what usually happens is arrogant foreigners go to korea and expect them to behave using their anglo standards of what is considered rude or polite. and when they run into a korean who doesnt abide by their standards they cry like a bitch and they get into a fight and come crying home writing shit like this.

This is false. Darkies are the Asian killers. We are the Asian lovers. Some rednecks may say mean things.

Nig nog coon monkeys are treated as gods here too. SK is hell because it treats koreans as subhumans. Koreans treat each other like shit.

To be fair Koreans call people fat to their faces lol. Not saying it isn’t based but that really isn’t even trying. One of my buds was over there for a Starcraft thing and some old guy literally grabbed his belly and is like oh man youre fat you need to lose weight. Guy was like 20lbs overweight lol.

I agree, Koreans are super fucking xenophobic, and I will not budge on this stance until I have myself some Korean poon

are you saying they are xenophobic because the internet people said so or have you lived there?

He was joking that they must be xenophobic because he doesn't have a Korean girl yet.

Getting a a half smile at a bus stop isn't nice. And I'm not sure your rationale, you think it's browns and blacks traveling to nippon and Korea? Kek
As long as you stay in your Walmart radius, whitu piggu

The most butthurt person I've ever seen at Korea was a black woman who moved there from California and fled within like 6 months.

>Getting a a half smile at a bus stop isn't nice.
I actually ate and drank with Koreans every day. I already knew them from the internet though.

black women behave exactly same while they are in korea too so it's on them

Are you a Korean American?

I hate niggers simple as is.

Attached: hadmeatannyeong.jpg (342x347, 10.54K)

gaijin please emigrate to korea
japan is full

Nigger go home.

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no i am an ethnic korean that is an american with korean citizenship

Someone post the statistic. Despite being like 5% of the population whites account for like 70% of the rapes in south korea or something like that.

How is that different from Korean American? No US Citizenship?

are you a fat black koreaboo girl?

no. are you a 깜둥?

I think you'll have a hard time finding it because you just made that up.

is this supposed to make fun of waeguks?

saying korean american gives me the impression of being born in u.s and completely westernized and your parents and grandparents also being immigrants. so i thought i'd be specific

Just deport them. They dont belong there they belong to chosun

No, it's a sign of affection.
I accept you as my countryman.

no, ask other korean flags

I dont like niggers. Go back to africa.

I always enjoy when naive whitecucks realize racism is a reality outside their bubble.

Fuck you I'm doing more for chosun than you ever will. I'm over here promoting lgbtqxyzlmnop rights, womens rights, blm, and social justice movements. I'm here playing the long game, destroying america from within.

..but why?

>some old guy literally grabbed his belly and is like oh man youre fat you need to lose weight.
Sounds funny and very soulful

Only cucks live in america. You belong to chosun gook.

you mean black people lmao. Jusr read up on the LA Riots