How the fuck does a triceratops make this?

How the fuck does a triceratops make this?

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Poo not to scale. Spielberg a hack at best.

Don't know, left me with a desire to stick my hands in a huge pile of shit as a kid. Eventually did it in my dad's horse farm and he beat the shit out of me

That accumulated over a long period of time. The fossil records indicate that triceratopses would mark their territory by building up large mounds of shit. It also helped stop their feathers getting clogged with it.

The triceratops was sick and had diarrhea obviously.

I don't know but if I hear a satellite phone start ringing in that fecal fiesta it's on baby.

Triceratops shit communally ass to ass.

I once filles my entire toilet with shit, it was a large mountain sticking out of the water. Never imagen a human could shit so much.

a scoop this big? fuck you, drumpfler

>never seen a triceratops poop before
>says its triceratops poop as if he is an expert
Nice "writing" STEVEN

Tell me you’re a fatass, without telling me that you’re a morbidly-obese fatass

Maybe she shits at the same place again and again?


>Tell me you’re a
twitter tranny detected

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They don't dummy. God put fake fossils in the ground to fuck with atheists.

he went to taco bell

We used to have shit fights on the farm. It starts off with dry cow pats then progresses to whatever comes to hand. We would go home looking like the aftermath of an Indian festival. good times.

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you'd be surprised what comes out of animals. if i knew how much shit my great dane would produce daily i probably would have reconsidered

Don't feel too bad those things die of heart attacks at like 5.

This got audible laughter in the cinema when I saw this as a kid, and I live in England where we dont woop and holla like savages at everything that happens.

Very carefully.