Is duolingo a good way to learn Any Forumsernational languages or is it not worth the money?

is duolingo a good way to learn Any Forumsernational languages or is it not worth the money?

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duolingo is garbage.


literally their CEO admitted its not a language learning app

who tf pays for duolingo

Use the free version a little bit a day if it helps but stick to better methods of learning, ask /lang/. It's a cool for what it is free but ultimately it's .

use a good user made memrise course using the cards for vocab, buy a grammar book

It also rubs "the message" in your face all the time, so if you can't put up with every example sentence having lesbians talking about their troon friends or some shit, then I'd say it's not worth it in the slightest.

I haven't used it myself, and I prefer traditional learning (reading and using dictionaries), rather than bing-bing-wahoo gamification and interactive learning stuff. I don't want information to be withheld from me until I click a button, you know. I just want to absorb shit straight up, and take it in my own way.

As stated by , the app is not geared for language learning. And also makes a very good point. The best way to learn a language is a good textbook and dictionary, paper and pencil, mnemonics + media immersion. Apps do nothing.

There is a whole slew of useless phrases they want you to repeat incessantly but I have never encountered woke shit.

I prefer memrise.

Which language do you want to learn op?
Duolingo isn't ideal but if it starts you learning a language it can be ok
Some languages are ok on duolingo, others not so much
I used it on desktop and apparently it's awful on mobile

>but I have never encountered woke shit.
Lucky you, I guess. I see people post shit like that every now and then in /lang/, like a woman wearing a hijab talking about her wife or some shit.

lol who cares? i assume its all just randomized pieces put together
t. used it once like 3 years ago

Imagine caring about that shit LMAO

Depends on what language you're learning I guess.
It's all AI generated nonsense, great for remembering words but not much else.

Attached: tseina.png (361x407, 37.21K)

Well, it certainly keeps me from wanting to use it. Not that I would anyway, but you know, it's alienating.

>it's alienating.
you know it's not only used by westerners like us right? if you go in and for example start learning indonesian, are you going to sperg out and feel "alienated" because they have an indonesian hijabi to represent it?

Unlike you, I'm a sane person who isn't looking to self-insert, or to find "recognizable characters" in a fucking app. I don't mind seeing other cultures or races and whatnot, but I do mind when "the message" is shoved into places it doesn't belong, such as language learning.

It's good for practice if you use it well.
I do this
>learn first level
>look at the tips section, it's very good for French for instance
>add every new word to Anki (also do this with other tools you use like when you watch movies or play games in the new language)
>finish the course on level one and keep repeating vocabulary on anki regularly
>do levels 2-5 which will now demand of you to use correct sentence structures and grammar by yourself
sometimes it's shit in that it doesn't recognize correct solutions but that's something you can recognize yourself when you get into the language a little bit, otherwise the comment section will clear it up

fucking woke liberals ruining my language learning apps... grr