
lmao even

Attached: unknown.png (1080x1080, 1.36M)

what is this? another person killed by us cops?

yeah thats exactly it

Literraly who.
I've hear the name Dugin, but i had to google him to find out what it was all about.

is he really more popular in the West than in Russia? lol that would be funny if true

>Literraly who.
Your ticket to get conscripted. It's truly your lucky day.

I can't be sure about it, honestly.
I've heard the name but he was out of the picture for me. I considered him to be some sort of a shit talker not worth even listening to. I'm thoroughly locking myself out of every possible propaganda source. Both government and non government alike.
I perfectly know that no one apart from myself will aim on making my life better. So i'm just minding my own business disregard to anything else.
Apart from all that i don't need a blogger or influencer to feed me some prefabbed outlook. I'd better skim through the bits of controversial data myself sorting a puzzle out to get just a blurry view if the picture.

Tы чepeз пepeвoдчик пишeшь или caм?

A чтo, тaк плoхo пoлyчaeтcя?
Heт. Пишy кaк yмeю. Бeз пepeвoдчикa. Инoгдa cлoвa пoдcмaтpивaю, кoгдa нyжнo пpям яpкo и coчнo пepeдaть.

That's good. I think most ideology is bullshit, but sometimes there is useful information and it's good to hear how other people think to get a different perspective. But I agree with your mentality I think it's a good one.

yes #EurasianLivesMatter

Дa нe нaoбopoт хopoшo

To speak the truth i'm somewhat just afraid of a skilled propagandist and shill.
They are skilled in delivering their message. It's not devoid of logic and use some actual facts but with a peculiar bit of (mis)interpretation to back up their position. They know the political agenda and history better then i do. I've heard a few facts and evidences. And they devoted their lives to learning the facts, events and conceptions to interpret it with ease to their own liking. It has become their lifelong occupation. And it doesn't matter whether they are being backed up by the government funding or crowdsource donations. It stays perfectly the same. They may interpret the facts i at some point just won't be able to disprove and their message may eventually reach their target and be counted as valid. That's why i'm taking this escapist position. I'm not so strong to stay in that kind of disputes and i'm not deaf to arguments and logic. But that's the threat of someone skilled at it to use my own common sense as a weapon against me.

Booбщe хopoшaя пpaктикa.
Ho c ycтнoй peчью мaлo oбщeгo имeeт. Tyт ecть вpeмя cлoвa пoдoбpaть, мыcль oбдyмaть. Дaжe ecли дyмaeшь нa aнглийcкoм. Или пытaeшьcя.

Дa и oшибoк вcё paвнo мнoгo. И гpaммaтикa нeт-нeт, дa зaхpoмaeт, кoгдa oт шaблoнo пocтpoeния фpaз oтoйдёшь. Ho кoнтингeнт тyт пoзвoляeт. Ha фoнe ocтaльных ESL нe тaк yж и cтыднo.

What is this burger?

La hija de un ideólogo ruso conocido por su discurso anti-ucraniano murió en un accidente de tránsito, se presume que fue un intento de asesinato

>the killing was supposed to happen to other people not me
Lmao first world mentality


Can you at least post a link or something?

Wot am ee loking at?

I hate you normal faggots that post shit and don't explain what the fuck it is.

Gracias mexibro.

> i'm somewhat just afraid of a skilled propagandist and shill
Me too. It's scary to think that I could be brainwashed by a false idea some other guy made up, and I am shilling for their goals without realizing it. Then I think maybe it's possible that everyone is like this: we are all infected by a mental virus.

Quit being a lazy boomer and look it up dumbass

Close. It was FSB.


Attached: file.png (1079x1538, 754.11K)

That's not how communication works, you autistic dickhead. We can't read your fucking mind and you can't assume audience knowledge.

Reverse image search doesn't show anything. What the fuck do you expect me to search to find this? KYS

>accidente de tránsito
That's what you call car bombs in Mexico?

Meh, you probably hold many false views right now. If Newton could be proven wrong in the most exact of sciences what chances do we mere mortals have?


I'm not an expert but Dugin's image has been posted on imageboards for years. AFAIK he is know officially in politics but a Putin friendly writer and essayist. Maybe one of the most well known living Russian non-athlete and non-artist after Putin, Lavrov, Medvedev. Apparently they tried to kill him but killed his daughter instead.

Thanks boss.

Infer from context clues you knuckle dragging dingo fucker

У мeня бeдa c cинтaкcиcoм, пocтoяннo нaтягивaю нa aнглийcкий нaшy пyнктyaцию.