It's up

It's up

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They care enough to watch this garbage? None of them like Star Wars anymore.


Disney bucks

Jay & Mike and Rich Evans are my friensd! I know that because we only hnt at Mike's alcoholism and Rich Evans gave up drinking so we keep the reasons quiet though. Say, rermember that time Mike got drunk and porred beer from that giant flask on Rich? Awesome Rich Evens thoughh, know he's the sole, kept his cool and we cheered in our heart when Rich finally got ahold the keys! I love sitting with them and watch the same movies from thier childhoods--I dont get all the stuff but I know the movies are cultral milestones and its nice to have Jay around for all the facts! I also love love when our Candian friends come down to have some beers and talk aboot (HA!) the movies too. They get in their zingers and know the facts too. Theyre just like me when we visit because I pop in to watch. Remember when we had Home Alone on the show and he work the bunny ears because of his cool podcast taht he does? I get smad then though because Alpha mike ridiculously ridiculed rich and he left the show. He shouldnt flex like in front of Home ALone and his freinds. But it was all ok when Rich came back! Reme ber how Home alone was sleeping in the studio with Rich Evans! Anyways I have to go and watch some big thick black spines that migh actually be a movie! Black tank top black spine time! Can you imagine! I wonder what we'll be watching together tonight?

My pseudo-friends are here to tell me what they didn't like about a Star Wars show I didn't watch!

I'm still going to watch the entire video

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I wonder how many people actually watched the show

They're more miserable than funny now but their SW-related stuff was always some of their best material because they're former fans (except Jay) with no remaining reverence for it

Jay looking kinda chunky these days.


He got himself a nice boyfriend so he let himself go a little

>watching picard was a self-inflicted television wound
>the bar had been set so low from my traumatic experience with star trek picard i'll literally enjoy having fecal matter rubbed into my eyeballs
>if you told me when I was fifteen years old that i would be paid to watch the new star wars and star trek products and that i would dread doing it...
Delicious and amusing schadenfreude

>long winded rant about racists
>Jay praising Shaniqua Israel Mohel and how amazing she is

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Reva is charismatic as hell!

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I miss when the fat one larped as a serial rapist who at pizza rolls. Why did they lose that schtick?

So what? You expect me to watch this nigger shit?

If you're not going to watch it, don't comment on it you spoilsport

no, but you will anyway

Seethe chud

This is embarrassing.

>Ewan is charismatic as hell

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