Should i beat my cousen for watching anime?

should i beat my cousen for watching anime?

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Pls no ;-;




Please don't


Depends. Who’s his animu waifu?

why not


beat him for being born r*ssian

What anime?
Also this

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Since when has that ever solved anything?

Depends on the type of anime.

It depends. If it's shitty CGI anime that some Twitter using Genshin Impact loving troon would watch. Kill him.

If it's something good, encourage his taste.

What kind of anime was it?

Depends on what he watched.

it is anime about girl playing casino

Sounds suspicious but let's not jump to conclusions, was she an adult or a little girl?

beat his dick

Attached: kurisu_tilable.jpg (600x600, 119.58K)

Kakegurui? Beat him to half-death and then tell him to watch Kaiji instead.

Yes, tell him to read manga

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