All Europeans are forced to relocate the the USA

All Europeans are forced to relocate the the USA.

All United Statesians are forced to relocate to Europe.

What happen?

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No you can't have our land Nigel. We won't be tricked. You stay on your containment peninsula. We are closer to Asia and have more resources than you. I hope your island sinks into the sea desu. We have the good land. FUCK OFF.

half of us are culled and Europe gets richer?

It's a mutual exchange. Our land for your land. no theft here

>More to a continent with a billion borders and a billion border disputes

No, thanks.

That's ok, you can keep your dreary rock papa

Your land is shit and ours is good you fucking idiot did you even read the post?

Europe becomes the sole superpower

European land is very fertile THOUGH

i go to a remote Norwegian island and find myself a nice cabin to spend the rest of my days.

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I unironically believe we have the greatest position and greatest land on the entire Earth and wouldn't trade our geography for anyone else's. The only issue is demography.

then i got to a remote cabin in alaska I GUESS

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>we have the greatest position
Europe has a superior climate

'Murricans immidately demolish all hystorical buildings to make space for globohomo cube-core trash. The Coliseum is leveled, in its stead the biggest Walmart of Europe

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Wages in the USA rise to 500k average
Wages in Germany drop to 20k average

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If you are used to it, I suppose.

Europe's climate is far more temperate and pleasant than the USA's. You get freezing winters and scorching summers, meanwhile most of Europe gets cool summers and mild winters.

Denmark parking lot

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I live in the Northeast and the climate is fine.

We have much shorter trade routes to Asia. Europe is a dying continent.

Statues of Saint Floyd and other Black Martyrs erected everywhere

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Europe is dying to America like Venice died because of Portuguese Empire.

Better yet, what would happen if all people in china suddenly turned into aryan whites?

Inevitable Aryan takeover of planet earth
What's schlomo gonna do about 1.5 billion aryans?

i live in the arctic and the climate is fine.