This is what Russia would look like when all its ethnic republics gain independence

This is what Russia would look like when all its ethnic republics gain independence.

Attached: Flag-Map_of_Russia_without_Autonomous_Okrugs_and_Republics.svg.png (2200x1075, 143.2K)

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Looks like Worms map for me

what are your thoughts on the half armenian

Why is siberia a nation

The perfidious anglo is angry because someone didn't genocide or segregate all the natives like it usually goes in his colonies.

That looks cool, we should do it.

>Complaining about genocide



user, Russia's history literally consists of at least 600 years of slicing up, cleansing, obliterating and subjugating EVERYBODY that borders Russia. This shit continued right up until the 1990s when Chechnya was utterly ripped apart by indiscriminate Russian bombardment

Attached: cf2.gif.gif (480x424, 1.38M)

He will never be an Armenian

Welp I found my next map

Russian expansion differs from anglo expansion in that they honored their treaties and agreements with natives that sided with them in their divide and conquer games. Ones that resisted, like Circassians, were genocided. But there's a reason why there's still a ton of different non-Russian ethnic groups that still maintain their culture and language. Meanwhile anglo divide and conquer always ended in treachery against those that sided with them. The Iroquois and Cherokee being key examples. They weren't completely wiped out like the natives that didn't side against anglos, yet they were still betrayed, had their treaties ripped to shreds, deported to shit tier lands, and had their culture and languages exterminated.

Funnily enough that Russia would probably still be among the largest countries in the world, it would still have all its relevant urban and agricultural areas, still have access to the same seas. .
And I also suspect it would become richer.
They wouldn't need to subsidizes those ethnic republics anymore.
Yes, some of the gas and mineral deposits would be in the other countries but this will actually mean Russia itself will move away from being a resource exporting shithole, towards being more like other European countries that take advantage of the resource rich countries while they have the relevant industry and services. .

Anglos had smallpox on their side. Eurasian natives already had immunity to it.

The unhonored treaties with collaborator natives like the cherokee were made and broken after the initial die off.

nice enough. I'd enlarge the tatar republics so they could border Kazakhstan and Circassia so that it had a border with Georgia and Black Sea. Also, independent or US protectorate Kamchatka and Ukrainian Kuban.

Treaty of Georgievski was a treaty that said kingdom of kartl-kakheti would be under protectorate of Russia. It didn’t say anything about being annexed by Russia, changing the language of liturgy/prayers in Russian etc.
1783 Is when that small kingdom made the treaty, 1795 is when Russia didn’t honor the treaty against Persians and Tbilisi was sacked.

Even before that in the battle of Aspindza Russians literally left the Georgians alone so they could get wiped out and then they could just walk in and anex it but well it didn’t go so well back then cause Erekle beat the Turks but he did lose vs Persians.

Which is why your post is extremely extremely hilarious. Does it really hurt your narrative when I point this out every time?
No big empire will honor treaties, might makes right. If you have no might to back up those treaties you will get fucked over and Russia is in no way different in this aspect(btw western Georgian kingdom Imereti never even made such a treatie) after they saw the Georgian kingdoms were weakened from fighting Turks, Persians and north Caucasian raids sponsored by Turks and Persians they simply walked in and conquered the weakened Geo kingdoms.

This Any Forums narrative that Russia is some noble empire is hilarious this ain’t your video game.

Attached: 739F8477-B7D7-43B0-A3DE-D57C6424BAAE.jpg (731x2354, 774.99K)

>Russia honored its treaties

>russia minus uninhabitable wasteland

Russia annexed it because Iran was trying to. Then still allowed local peoples, culture, and language to continue on as is. How the fuck can you try and compare yourself to cherokee whose treaties getting dishonored not only led their land getting annexed anyways, but also to them being deported to shitty desert reservations, over half dying on their march, and their language and culture being wiped out. Russian expansion was obviously less psychopathic than anglo expansion.

>Anglos brin:g the light of civilization, modern industry, western medicine and prosperity
>Russians bring: ????