Favourite Sword Movie

What is your favourite movie featuring swords?

There can be only one.

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Conan. Pick either.

The devil's teardrop in beyond the black rainbow

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The 13th warrior

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Deluge has a sweet fight

Rob Roy, I love the last scene when he splits that faggot Tim Roth in half with his claymore

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what movie? looks kino as shit


The Duelists is a great movie.
I wish there was more Napoleonic era kino but it must be a nightmare to get all the uniforms and equipment even remotely right.

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Would just be a cgi clusterfuck today, also zoomers would have no idea what's happening lol

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yea you're right. maybe I should have worded it as
>I wish more Napoleonic movies had been made before CGI and forced diversity
At least we have Master and Commander which was relatively recent

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Conan obviously but also any Blind Swordsman movie or TV show.

The Blade of the Immortal live action had some good swordplay as well

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conan doesn't feature a sword, it stars a sword.

Unironically pic related

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Duel to the Death