Actors nobody hates

Actors nobody hates

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fuck this faggot

Shia Labouff
Ezra Miller
Bill Cosby
Alec Baldwin

Kevin Spacey

Amber Heard

Elizabeth Olsen

Brie Larson


Jonathan Taylor thomas

Daniel Day-Lewis
Joseph Gordon Levitt
Robert De Niro
Kurt Russell
Christian Slater

Wilhem Dafoe

Haley Joe Osment

Buddy Hackett

Errol Flynn

Eli Wallach

Leo G Carroll

Ed Wynn

That son of a bitch! How dare he leave me with nothing but positive things to say about him?!?!?

i don't hate him but i don't like him. this movie was slightly repellent and he was the bad part of iron man

Sauce? That's not the movie and I can't find any Dude cameo

Brad Dourif

based mel gibson
michael richards