Wtf i want to be lithuanian, latvian or estonian

wtf i want to be lithuanian, latvian or estonian

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>he wants to live next to russia
be glad you are so far away

I thought that Bulgarians and Russians are frens

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Bulgaria is only country, who support Germany twice.

russia is quite possibly the worst thing to happen to bulgaria

wtf even goes on in latvia. i know estonia is like a mini finland and lithuania used to be a major power with poland. know next to nothing about latvia except they're like 30% russian

What about Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, and Sweden

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What about Belarus and Serbia

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neutral both times

Actually they helped Germany and there was a Swedish Nazi party

estonia seems kino unironically


They sold weapons to Germany, but without positioning themselves.

we sell weapons to everyone
pls buy

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You forgot north korea

pure sovl

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you do NOT want to be scatvian

Europe has Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia
America has Guyana, Suriname, and France

Me too, fuck I love being Latvian, absolutely the best ethnicity and nationality in the world. Latvia is the best country, no country comes close, I'm gonna live here my whole life, I love it here so much.

>I thought that Bulgarians and Russians are frens
>Sharing border with russia
pick one