Who watches these videos? Who is the target audience?

Who watches these videos? Who is the target audience?

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People who tend to blame others for their problems.


insecure NATOers

it's hopium for western boomers, pajeet ultranationalists, and cia agents


it's over
it's over

We're so back (look into this)

If China collapses there is going to be worldwide recession
Why would anyone want this?

It's the moral thing to do

anglos and poo in loos
especially strayans, they fear china like no other

People tend to not think that much about consequences


burn the whole fucking thing down

i find it odd how they can make them every week for the past 5 years and still people are like "yep its definitely happening now"

its like those end of the world cults where they guess a new date for the end every years

I'm a biztard who watches this channel

totally worth it
their authoritarian poison is much more dangerous than any recession

democracy is even worse considering most people are retards


capitalism un schizos

China is a democracy, retard

unironically 2 more weeks until the three gorges dam collapses and xi drowns

How do I short China?

midwit take