How do i obtain a nordic bf as a non-white woman?

how do i obtain a nordic bf as a non-white woman?

Attached: DDAFE864-59F4-4097-BC89-DCBE4E2AC448.jpg (1200x797, 80.8K)

pay for my travel expenses to canada and i will be your bf

Well if you're talking about swedes its either online dating or you have to make the first move since swedish men have stopped approaching women long ago

you don't.

do you accept crypto nords (baltics)?

Do nordic dudes really not approach women or is that a meme? If it’s true, why don’t they approach women anymore?

If you're at a party and everyone is drunk they will approach you but not in a standard setting no
I dont know why really, just maybe a trend of the day

Sure why not

Do you have a ghetto booty?

Sounds like most men from ontario

What does that even mean?

Attached: ghetto booty.webm (720x1280, 1.04M)

Exist in a place with nordic men

Then no

What ethnicity are you?

That's true

I have blond hair blues eyes, marry me.

Please be my gf I will give you all my posessions

Have big tits and ass.
That's all.


Only if you eventually come live with me in Canada. I refuse to give birth in the states.


>Move to Canada and leave my good paying job
That's a tough call