I watched this recently. I enjoyed the first two acts and how it was a story of vice ruining a family...

I watched this recently. I enjoyed the first two acts and how it was a story of vice ruining a family, symbolized and enhanced through supernatural horrors. The glimpses of Xenobites' world and the chase sequence with the monster were also pretty cool as a one-off thing. However, the ending was super disappointing. How instead of these higher beings with mysterious motives, Xenobites suddenly turn into generic horror movie villains to beat by going back on their word for no reason, and how the monster from before randomly becomes the (very stupid and ineffectual) final boss.

Growing up I've heard of Hellraiser (and Barker's line of work in general) as intellectual high-concept underground horror that's "not like those retarded slashers". And for the most of the movie it seemed to be more or less in this vein, but in the end it turned into a literal schlocky movie about teenagers running from monsters. Is this what I have to look forward to in the rest of the series?

Attached: hellraisur.jpg (1000x1500, 200.45K)

t. seething cumbrain
No one should ever hype and/or take movies seriously

>No one should ever hype and/or take movies seriously
ayo das rite nigga! dat pseud mumbo jumbo aint right. real men dont care bout dat kinna shit.

They're called Cenobites.

Part 5 is pretty amazing but you absolutely have to watch them in order or you won't get it.

Im extremely xenofobix

>Is this what I have to look forward to in the rest of the series?
yeah, pretty much

>Is this what I have to look forward to in the rest of the series?
3 and onwards, yes. Only the first two had Clive Barker working on them. Atfer that it's pretty much been "grab whatever thriller script we bought on the cheap and just add Pinhead at the end"

its not very good
let me also let you know in advance that the phantasm series sucks as well

The 1980's is wrought with horror concepts that on paper are absolutely horrifying but in execution are a joke.

Nightmare on Elmstreet for example had potential because a lot of chilling body horror concepts could be achieved with the dream setting.
But instead, Freddy is le funny one liner man and the scenarios get increasingly tamer and whimsical.

With a concept like Hellraiser you could pull of shit on par with the hell scene in Event Horizen, but they never do this and by the second movie shit gets fan fiction tier.

>the hell scene in Event Horizen
that's a pretty low fucking bar

The film was great up until somehow Julia comes back to life to open the puzzle box (for Kirsti to find and then close, sending the Cenobites back). I'm pretty sure she was pretty fucking dead. The films afterward get worse then go completely off the rails- they're in outer space, oh wait now it's a dream world, oh wait now it's an MMORPG, etc. They should have just left well enough alone and ended it with the first film. Andrew Robinson wouldn't come back because they offered him less than in the first film. Ashley Lawrence claimed during her last appearance they paid her enough for a down payment on a refrigerator. The franchise was notoriously low budget but you can't treat your people like that and expect quality. They were so fucking cheap. Hellraiser 5 wasn't even originally a Hellraiser script. They bought something cheap and changed a few things to insert Pinhead et voila- Hellraiser Inferno!

Many subhumans in this thread, sad!

Attached: based channard.webm (1080x608, 1.78M)

Shouldn't you be off somewhere getting cucked by Julia or something?

The original version was so vile it had like 20 minutes shaved off.

I liked in 4 how it was three points in time 18th 20th and 22nd century but I wish they didnt do the happy ending and would love to see the original ending that miramax changed

I started with Hellbound Heart thinking Barker would be a good writer to get into for a little. Fuck me was I wrong.

Sadly, that footage was destroyed before the advent of “special uncut editions” were a thing.

>Is this what I have to look forward to in the rest of the series?

what series? no sequels were ever made.

You forget their were limits to what you could actually show due to ratings boards , I think nightmare got away with alot of stuff due to it being abit silly. Even texas chainsaw massacre remake had to cut alot of stuff due to ratings board, they even had a trailer that was pitch black screen just audio and they werent allowed to show it due to whats implied and that was in 2003.

>20 minutes

of outtakes, not 20 extra minutes of creative edgy torture scenes.

Jesus christ my meds are making me dyslexic/retarded

True, this is probably why the body horror in the Hellraiser comics is so kino.