She’s not a whore! It’s the Russians who are at fault here!!!

>she’s not a whore! It’s the Russians who are at fault here!!!

Why are they like this?

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As long as she makes good leadership decisions she can do whatever. Why should anyone give a damn?

I don't care about Clinton's infidelities. I don't care about Trump being a womanizer. I don't care about Marin's partying. I don't care about whatever politicians do with their personal life. Simple as.

Stupid bitch, why is she still holding her position?

She’s not the one making political decisions though. Her party is, she’s just a figure head

>government changes
>they are even more NATO-friendly now
Woah....10D chess?

>going outside = being a whore

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But the catch is...she doesn't. Everything has only Cotten worse under her.

>omg dancing and having fun with friends til early morning what a whore!!! Degenerate fall of the west incoming!!
I know exactly the type of person behind the screen who types this: the back of the lecture hall sitting, sweater wearing, victim complex having loser.

The one thing I'm happy for? That you losers never amount to anything. Just incels screaming on an imageboard while life goes on for everyone else around you and you blame everyone but yourselves.

This country died in the 90s. I don't give a fuck about russia or ukraine or whatever. The white people's empathy is their downfall. I don't know what to do.

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Because a prime minister shouldn't go out and act like a common whore, it discredits the entire country. Politicians in positions similar to hers represent their nation, it's not supposed to be a 9-5 job.

Yes she is a whore.
No she is not a whore.
Whatever I dont care I don't think Finland is worth having this thread over and over again.


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I honestly don't think the problem is that she went to a party, flirted with some dudes and did coke. I mean male politicians do that all the time.
The problem is that women have been telling us for years that they're better and that they'd rule better.
But now we have proof that it was all bullshit

Visegrad isn't even Russian, why does that faggot say it's Russia trying to discredit her?

because Russia bad. Don't you follow the current thing, chud?

Weave a rope and take a trip to the roof logs like normal person instead of frogposting like a faggot.


>The problem is that women have been telling us for years that they're better and that they'd rule better.
Have they really? I dont think anyone ever really believed it and didnt really meant it. Is not like they believed dumb shit like they would go to war every time they had their period but didn't believed either they would rule any differently.

These are the same people who called Amnesty International Russian agents.

whores can't even make good decisions in their onw life
how the fuck would they handle a whole country?

Bitter incel

i'm not virgin tho

>people being mad at a woman for doing woman things
>betas scurrie to defend her

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Politicians are literally representatives of the people and the country. Aside from it reflecting very poorly on her character, it's also a very basic matter of image. Whatever you want to believe, your PM acting like this and people around her talking about illicit substances can only be a bad thing.

You dont need to be a virgin to be an incel. Also bitter no matter what.

i'm neither bitter tho

This is literally one of the most embarrassing things that could happen to a country. All the lefty faggots in here should neck themselves.

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You be doe