Britain is falling

Britain is falling.

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It's over.

>racist transphobes act surprised when they receive bad karma

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Apparently ambulances are taking an hour to reach people who've had a heart attack in some areas. There are also ambulances queueing outside hospitals for 12+ hours, what the FUCK is going on? I don't believe it's just a case of cuts, there must be management issues as well as financial ones.

brexit means brexit

Just create an unquestionable cult dedicated to worshipping a monolithic organisation, what could go wrong? Hope you didn't miss the weekly clap for nurses

It really has become a state religion

dumb brits will still vote Tory after a century of mismanagement

Labour constantly appoint retards as their leaders making them unelectable. Keir Starmer is the best they've had since Blair.

Post face.

My aunt has been working in the NHS since the late 90s. She went there during Tony Blair's time. Been a citizen since 2010 I think thanks to the points system.
She says the NHS is overworked and understaffed. They can't even import nurses from India and Philippines like they used to anymore because they barely have the budget to.

what? what's going on in there?

blair fucked up everything

b-but Brexit was supposed to make Britain a superpower

yet it is immigrants from the third world that are putting the burden on the nhs, at a disproportionate rate even


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Too many people, old people being constantly ill, underfunded, understaffed and mismanaged. We should abolish the fucking thing and move to a system like continental Europe has where you pay but only a bit, and it's covered if you're poor or old.

Just don't be fat and you will never need an ambulance

how does your current system work? do you not pay for the NHS?

>We should abolish the fucking thing and move to a system like continental Europe has
This is the solution but literally NO ONE in politics ever suggests it.

Why don't you pay and go to a private clinic? Or that's not a thing?

I don't get it

Some people have started to do that (for non-emergencies) because of the length of waiting lists. But not everyone can afford the cost.

It's funded through taxes
Because that would be heresy and a fucking death sentence for whoever suggests it. Maybe if Truss runs everything into the ground she should just get rid of it.
It is a thing, and more people are doing it but it isn't cheap.

but now you have the 350 million britbucks you saved thank to brexit, how is this possible?

>I don't see a problem here, m8.
>They all look Bri'ish to me.
Your brain on civic nationalism.

eventually they will also have waiting lists and their prices will increase if people flood them too

More like Stammerer, bring back Corbyn

we are having an adult discussion and you come here barging with your pol shit mate

Do britishers really?

>canacuck mocking anyone for civnat

The problem being? Is there something wrong about achieving high grades or...?

The discussion always starts, and briefly ends with something along the lines of OMG LOOK HOW BAD HEALTHCARE IN THE US IS YOU ARE EVIL IF YOU WANT THAT. It's so pathetic

Alri Venezuelan

Tbh if these are legit A graders then good for the Brits. Educated minorities are less likely to have 6 children and just end up dealing drugs anyway.
Only Muslims would still be a bit questionable though... Most leaders of terrorist organizations had good education.

by doing that you are unironically being the US
its like how americans react when any free healthcare or uni reform is suggested
guess it's an anglo thing

>Why can't we get a good cucked lib to save our system waaa waaaaa
>Best thing since Blair! The worst leader in history since Thatcher
>Can't 'ave that Corbyn bloke nooooo
Britain deserves the future it gets.

Not electing Corbyn was an unforgivable crime.

Yes, compromise is not really a thing in our systems. As soon as you do the other side will try to fuck you over in every way they possibly can

You have to consider the wider picture in politics. Just because a politician aligns with your views doesn't mean they're the best choice for the party. When you vote for a party leader you need to consider if they can win elections, not just whether their views align with yours.

Corbyn was too far left and his views alienated a lot of people, especially up north. The other issue was most of the Labour party were/are not as extreme as Corbyn was, there was infighting, and there would have been a lot more if they'd got in power.

She actually said people from the EU were using NHS services for cheap leaving the british on wait lists. She voted to leave for the same reason while her son voted remain. They're all christian btw.

this lol, has ANYTHING gotten better in the UK since 2010?

so britain really is so americanized that it mirrors the inane bipartisan fighting. might as well privatize the system under the next tory to avoid the shame of emulating the europeans

The two party stuff goes back a long way mate, nothing to do with Americanisation.

the NHS has been underfunded for years, covid, the war and brexit were just nails to a coffin

Covid was definitely the final nail in the coffin. Brexit has made fuck all difference, don't believe the memes.