Idea mining thread for Star Wars

Hello DISNEY executive hear. Let's get those juices flowing, I'll start:

Princess Leia comes back, and she's got special neo-jedi powers that transforms her into a living chainsaw. She spins really fast and cuts up all enemies while a modified lightsaber sound goes zwwwomg zrrzrzrzrrrr *chop chop*. This is very powerful but also lands her in trouble. She meets a nice man but when she orgasms she accidentally becomes a jedi chainsaw and kills him.

She has to dodge starship troopers who investigate the murder and then the lead starship trooper investigator (Michael Ironside) falls in love with her despite her cutting off his hand when he arrest her.

This time, people who don't like movie are not just misogynests but also russian spies.

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Also, closing credit music slowly morphs into Ukrainian anthem



I actually have really good ideas on how to fix Star Wars and make a good film in the same universe but nobody will listen or care and Disney will just run the trash into the ground.

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I will listen. Respond to the maximum, ok?

More responds

We will make ur Star Wars dream a reality OK?

>Idea mining thread
Simple, if you want to make a LOT of cash just make a BASED KotoR trilogy and a spinoff series about the Mandalorian wars as a prequel to it. No girl power shit, no sticking it to da white man, just plain old star wars and put some fucking effort into choreography, hire Nick Gillard and let us see Revan kicking some fucking ass

But people who don't go to theater are kremlin agents ok? So sick that Putler create campaign to not see Star Wars BASED kotor triolgie.

and zelenskiyye is revan because he is actor

it's like poetry, as lucas said

Darth Vader manifests into the real world and force chokes Kathleen Kennedy to death for ruining his universe.

Give us a whole season of Reva's redemption. Please Disney, we all really want it.

Bold. Daring.
Flamboyant even.

Cast this unique looking chad as Revan

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all they had to do was set the sequels a couple thousand years in the future and then they could've done whatever they wanted without involving any of the original characters except for maybe r2d2 and c3po because they were just going to make shitty facsimilis of those two anyway like that gay little rolling ball droid

Do an animated What If Star Wars series about if Anakin had turned on Palpatine prior to his transformation.

A what if series for star wars would be great

What if Vader won against Obi-Wan in episode 3?

(I predict he kills Palpatine probably about 10 years after, after learning all he can and Sith lightning, becomes the Emperor himself, might get rid of slavery, idk)

This was an alternate ending in the revenge of the with game. As soon as Anakin kills obi-wan, palpatine comes to congratulate him and give him his new red saber. As soon as Anakin grabs the saber he kills palpatine and declares himself emperor.

The clone wars series as a live action TV series with Ewan and Hayden. I don't care about any de-aging. I just want to see them go through more adventures.

Punished Hux kino.

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