Why is supernatural hunting kino so rare...

Why is supernatural hunting kino so rare? I absolutely despise the trope where humans can't do shit against spirits/witches/demons, it's just shit writing

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that guy ruins everything he is in, what were they thinking shilling this guy in so much shit

shut up, he's a cool guy


maybe because this may as well be three random words with no connection whatsoever.

>Why is supernatural hunting kino so rare?
Too many people trying to make the next Ghostbusters instead of just having fun with the idea.

It's pretty common theme user

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Why is Gemma Arterton kino so rare? She was fucking gorgeous.

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Because there's no middle ground, you are either hopeless or HUMANITY FUCK YEAH cooking witches left and right
Starship Trooper is one of the few movies that could balance it for a while but still tip the scale at HFY at the end
Terminator is basically like that too.
Constant state of war with few winned incursions and a few kills on your team, is the way to go, but there's no place for that in high fantasy, I dunno why.
Perhaps because fantasy needs an overlord with a face and motifs as the ultimate goal, and the goons are just an inconvenience to get to him, rather than the primary threat.
You are too brainwashed. If you see mindless demon hordes coming from a place called "The Black Abyss", it HAS to have a big bad motherfucking demon controlling the little ones.
The terminators, the bugs, zombies even, don't really "need" an overlord, they are a threat by themselves, but on fantasy you do need the overlord, because you expect it

Just kill off some of the main characters retard

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she cute

How would that change the inherent need for the fantasy genre to have a big bad evil guy

That's irrelevant, I was talking about:
>Because there's no middle ground, you are either hopeless or HUMANITY FUCK YEAH cooking witches left and right

Anyway people expect a big bad because it's the natural thing in a supernatural setting where might makes right and one individual can kill thousands with magicks. Bugs, zombies and termies don't need a big bad because they're thoughtless automaton

And because they're thoughtless automaton we don't expect hierarchies to form. There's no competition between individuals as there are no individuals, demons at least are lost souls and therefore almost human

Just explaining this in case you didn't get it

>That's irrelevant
That's my whole point on the thread tho
In a fantasy setting, the goons are just an inconvenience, and that's why you can't have a supernatural hunting movie, you are just steamrolling through them to get to the important part, the bbeg
Kinda like the Residen evil movies, that are very much not zombie movies except the first one. It's just an OP steamroll by a superpowered MC up to the end.

But that's not true. Just look at LoTR where goons are the reason of the cast dying

But the average person on the street:
a. only knows the basic lore they've seen in movies which either varies wildly by species and region or is completely wrong.
b. is a limp-wristed nothing more apt to run screaming when confronted with danger than take a stand.

WTF are you on about? The hunter/s defending the rest of humanity against the forces of darkness is a time-honored horror tradition, even if good representations are few and far between, which I assume is what OP means. Otherwise It's not even that rare. For series, we're still riding the shockwave of Buffy. (witness the inexplicable popularity of Wynnona Earp and the true horror that is Astrid And Lily Save The World)

Hollywood couldn't handle an anglo with that kind of thiccness

Lotr has a lot of supernatural hunts
>Goblins hunting the party on moria
>Uruks hunting Frodo
>Aragorn miniparty hunting uruks
Non of those, even if the hunt aimed to be cool, ended up with the hunter actually hunting their pray, they all end up in an unrelated big boss figth
>the balrog
>the rohirrim squad

I'm really annoyed at the lack of non-supernatural horrors.
I was raised christian and I kind of just went along with it and during that time I loved supernatural anything. After I grew out of that I can't stand supernatural shit, it's all so obviously made to appeal to religious people that like to imagine themselves fighting evil in some tangible way. And in a weird way it almost solidifies their beliefs, like "oh there's so much of this lore out there some of it must be true in some way so this is why we stay on god's side"
Try having a serious conversation with a christian about satanism. A lot of them really think satanists and athiests are just pure evil who can do no right, while the good christians can do no wrong as long as they pray

St. Trinians still stands as a conglomeration of would be relevant UK actresses in the small screen.

Van Helsing (the movie with Jackman and Beckinsale)
The Last Witch Hunter
Buffy the Vampire Slayer