There are so many normies ecstatic to start uni in september it's ridiculous

There are so many normies ecstatic to start uni in september it's ridiculous .

I honestly couldn't care less, I just want to go work my ass off for a 2:1, preferably a 1st, and then start my adult life. But so many normies are excited to just be partying, drinking, having sex etc and I just can't relate.

I also imagine I'll be getting homesick a lot, but no one I know ever seems to suffer from this.

Can any of you anons relate? Or am I just autstic?

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2:1 is easy, even 1st just requires non-retardedness unless you're at a top 10 uni

good luck

In same position as you, starting uni next month. The idea of partying sounds pretty shit to me as I dont drink. Just want to get an education, get a job and leave

>Can any of you anons relate?
sort of
Or am I just autstic?
most likely


Ofc you are autistic. Student time is the best time of your life, once you're old all of this is over. You'll have time to work then, it's the only thing you'll ever do.

Make friends during freshers week or the rest of the year will be pretty lonely. You might be autistic to the point you won't mind, but you won't have any work to do that week anyway so may as well

Thanks, user.

i was predicted to go to a top 10 uni, but I got screwed over by covid last year and was given cruddy results by my teachers and just barely qualified to do civil engineering at a pretty decent uni.

It did a pretty big hit to my confidence, so I really just want to prove to myself that I'm better than my results.

why not excited to get a gf/bf?

I believed my mother when she told me that uni was the best period of her life and was unironically looking forward to it.
Of course, it didn't occur to me that she is a roastie and thus her experience was quiet different from mine

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I dont understand why society hasnt created a system to have the autists doing all the work so the rest of us can party. Like giving an autist to each family to be the moneymaker.


Oh I'm 100% aware I'm not normal. I tend to suffer from anxiety and can sperg out a bit.

Ahh, of course I'd love to get a gf, but when I was younger I really got my hopes up that it would happen in sixth form and it just....didn't.

I won't get my hopes up this time around, but I'm also not going to be a defeatist sperg locked in my room and I'll still put in the effort.

I started uni 10 years ago now (Royal Holloway)
I wish i had made more of an effort to join clubs, meet people and enjoy life and actually study, but I just sat in my room miserable and listening to music. Learn from my mistakes, lads.

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a dark but relatable post

honestly just normie-max the best you can, life after uni is hell

Do you have a father, user? My mum's a SAHM and her last job was as a teacher, so when she gushed about uni I took her advice with a grain of salt.

My dad who makes six figures and has an MBA told me uni experience was really overrated and that I should treat it like a 9-5 job if I want to get anywhere in life.

started uniberg during corona and didnt see the university until second year
most of the people in my group already bonded VIA TEAMS and made cliques, and i only have 4-5 peers to hang around with after school once a month or so
i hate it

Why were you miserable? Were you homesick?

I can definitely relate to feeling that way sometimes, but whenever I do I lock myself in my room and just get work done to stave off the negative feelings.

I'll try my best to normie-max though.

my father is an emotionally distant autist who saw his role solely limited to financially providing for the family.

>but I'm also not going to be a defeatist sperg locked in my room and I'll still put in the effort.
that's all is needed tbqh, being kind with everyone helps too
good luck user

This. You'll never meet so many people of your age after uni. Good luck making friends at work.

uni is a good experience but not worth getting saddled with 60k of debt the second you turn 18, worthless unless you want to be a lawyer/doctor or something that 100% requires a degree.

Smart kids these days are going to european countries where tuition is affordable, or they are doing apprenticeships that turn into decent careers .

Yeah I know a couple guys who got screwed over like that. It's why I just took a gap year until corona was done.

I've heard it's extremely important to make friends as soon as possible because later you won't have as much of a chance.
Ahh kind of like my dad then. So many young girls just ride the cock carrousel at uni, put in the bare minimum of effort just to pass, and then latch themselves onto a man who can provide once uni is done.

yeah, it is like that, i wish somebody told me about it
already 2/5 way through, so i dont care

Cheers user.
Yeah I understand that 100%, I'm going to uni to become a petroleum engineer so I'm fairly sure I need a degree though, and I don't plan on paying my student loan ever since it's a very low interest loan that dies with me anyway.

There's a lot of young people doing mickey mouse degrees however and something will have to change someday.

That's pretty much my mindset tbqhwy.

I only drink during social situations since it gets rid of that initial anxiety.