What do you think about Iran?

What do you think about Iran?

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they make turds seethe so they're based

wrong flag, but at least it wasn't stolen from the Byzantines, much like how the identity of your people are stolen dear mehmet the lifeless kebab vendor.

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Whores, but the man is good people, hope them nuke Istambul with atomic weapons

Love Iran
Hate Israel
Not racist
Just don't care for em

Easily my favourite country in the Middle East

joining schizo thread

Do you love Iran?

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>'luv Iranians
>'luv Israelis
>'ate Iran
>'ate Israel
>Simple as

I don't think about them at all.

I don’t get it, it’s not like we didn’t have Arab invasions we did as well but how come we’re Christian and Persianoids are Muslim?
Not to mention they had a strong fire worshipping religion which was kinda developed meanwhile we worshipped some meme sun goddess so how does that work? How did they get cucked?

I want them glassed together with their fandom

luv iran
luv persian culture
luv iranians
ate mullahs
ate revolutionary guard
simple as

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i love you georgia


I love how Desi never took out the big guns against agnostic irani chad. Also kekked and saved

We saw the superiority and vigor of islam, since we weren't undeveloped swamp monke like you our elites knew momentum when they saw it, they realized within one generation(20 years)what took Crosscucks six centuries to realize, Islam is here to stay and it has a significant unifying and organizing force greater than any other previous ideological system.

It invited people to join its ranks and promised immediate participation in the political structure, something completely unheard of in Byzantine or Persian empires, it had a perfect ambiguous central text that could be interpreted and reinterpreted to accommodate the changing times, and it had a set of core teachings that united the community, empowered it with a greater will and motivated it to action.

All of this is why you lived as slaves for five centuries while we took the steering wheel and made Islam as much as it made us.

Islam would have been fine if it reformed like Christianity. Even if they stayed with one of those schools they had during the golden age or sufis it would be a lot better

What did you see? You got conquered and subjugated your elites didn’t see anything you got completely wrecked. There’s a difference between willingly changing religion and changing it cause you got conquered.
Do you honestly believe you would have turned to Islam had the Arabs not enslaved you?
That’s complete bullshit.
>had a perfect ambiguous central text that could be interpreted and reinterpreted to accommodate the changing times
nta but apparently it didn’t, seeing as you’ve been completely eclipsed by the west, this is because your religion got in the way of modernity meanwhile Christianity allowed the Europeans to have their renaissance.

It's all jews and sin fault. We've been living with them for centuries and our history proofs that. They will always colaborate against the country they currently feed on. They act like a parasite. Who helped bolsheviks to take control over russia? Rothschilds. Who is pushing US towards chinese communism? Same stuff in poland.. once You are at war they will betrey You and collaborate with the enemy. Soon we will witness war of US with China so pay attention to their moves. Iran getting hands on nuclear weapon is a hope for humanity in my opinion. Stay unconquered and strong, don't let other nations dictate You what's good or bad. Let's preserve world conservative and free of satanism and paganism.

>we weren't undeveloped swamp monke

i would save 1 georgians life over whole rafizi majooz persians

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Islam is perfectly fine, it has ran out of momentum, what did you expect? Modernity has ran into a brick wall in two centuries, completely crippled by its internal contradictions. The entire enlightenment project lasted for less than five centuries. Islam running out of momentum after 14 centuries doesn't take anything away from what it contributed.

This is some next level cope, being conquered is an objective measure of inferiority, which can be manifest in a number of ways. Muslims for example are inferior to westerners and east Asians when it comes to mass organization, this is more genetic however than ideological, no ideology will fix this problem in the short term. Our defeat by Muslims however demonstrated organizational inferiority. For example, the Sasanids had a strict caste system that did not allow enlistment from commoners into the army, the warrior caste were holy and could trace back their ancestry to before Alexander's conquest. A solder enlisted into the army could never make it higher than a solder. Now there are historical exceptions but this was the rule. Compare this to what the Romans or the Muslims did. Our inferiority becomes clear. Many such systemic inferiorities existed that were ameliorated by Islam. So our elites saw islam immediately for what it was, an improvement.

>nta but apparently it didn’t, seeing as you’ve been completely eclipsed by the west, this is because your religion got in the way of modernity meanwhile Christianity allowed the Europeans to have their renaissance.

Read my answer to the Indian.