Do you live a happy life in your country?

Do you live a happy life in your country?

I mean actual happiness and not just neutral feeling.

Attached: 1660902539549.webm (600x338, 2.45M)

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this man is CLEARLY in desperate need of being liberated and introduced to industrial society

That man need to become a crip or blood gang member fr

i feel very unhappy

We can't all run after hogs in the forest. The human population would need to decrease by 98%. Shut up and take your pills.

I was very happy when i visited Kazakhstan. Im not happy in Finland

This is what meds took from you. Remember that any time they brag about ”creating civilization”.

He ain’t black

Modern civilization is the doing of you Anglo-Germanics though.

I am happy that you got to visit finanon. did you meet your gf?
Captcha: DHP GAY

Thanks, and yes, i did meet her. Those were great couple of weeks there. Feel so depressed that had to come back

he is not black

Let them worship nigger savages while China and Russia are expanding

I went on 4 vacations this year, 2 more to come (Thailand and Amsterdam) I own a house, I have passive income and yet I’m still unhappy. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong, but it seems like the chemicals that are supposed to make me happy are refusing to be released to my brain

Das right. He's Charcoal.

look up dopamine detox

I'm not happy but I'm living, not rich but I can live, wish I didn't have so much bullshit.

sell your house, quit your job, use all your remaining life savings to buy a cabin in northern canada or alaska and live there with your girlfriend. preferably don't have children

as long as you have enough money to bring food to the table, a roof over your head and obviously, the most important of all, your health, you should be happy. women, money, drugs, sports etc are all secondary in life

I have a nephew who suffers from duchenne muscular dystrophy and I'd give all my money just to be able to cure him

humanity needs to revert to some kind of neo-agruarian farmstead society.


I live in suffering.

thanks Greek bro . How's life in your cunt though ever

That's true, when my childhood friend got cancer it made me thankful for what I had. But as much as I am doing fine for myself I'm not happy, bitter from the past. Wish I could start again, but I hope things will get better.
Hope the best for your nephew.
