Based. Our girl is safe

Based. Our girl is safe.

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Good. Imagine not wanting to see an attractive white woman in a capeshit movie these days.
Pajeet, btw.

Tune in tomorrow
She’ll be fired and re hired again

All for your clicks

Good morning sirs!

Should she do a parody of Matt Smith's Morbius dance?


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do it

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>yesterday: they are adding in more Mera scenes because of audience reaction
>today : they are cutting all her scenes
Obviously they are testing which version works best
I’d say : just keep Amber. In a month not a single person will give a shit about the trial

she should get her own spin off.

I told you before to stop this

Amberchads we won.

Right: Basically from the word of the studio themselves
Left: Clickbait garbage from literally who

They plan on keeping her. Ezra is causing a mess right now just like how Gal Gadot got destroyed on Twitter during that Palestine shit last year. Amber is a minor thing really.


Imagine thinking Turd is white and attractive.

She should be on the suicide squad

>Based. Our girl is safe.

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i am love of this bitch hore she needs show bobs and vagene and become my wife

I wont watch it then.


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This Amber Heard stuff will be forgotten about soon anyways. Recasting is a mistake.

she has to get the money to pay Depp somehow afterall

well at least your honest in your smelliness

no one will ever forget how she shit the bed.
Heard will probably get rehabilitated to a degree in the public eye but Depp is a druggy in hollywood something bad will happen :(