/lig/ love island

the cuck of italy - edition

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davide cuckitini

who /horseass/ here?

Bit early for shag shed

I knew his height would let him down in the end. We need three new blondes to shake it up across the board

only if it is grass-fed

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they are going to milk this whole episode out and have the new lads entering as the cliffhanger aren't they?

NOOOOOO you must care, why don't you care. You should care! Why don't you dislike Jaques like me reeeeee why aren't you mad


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>You will remain single if you don’t couple up

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wtf is luca doing
calm down lad

Well, she is a horse, a kinky horse

>boris party jokes
itv need to fire this retard, send him back to cbbc to talk to a puppet everyday

jacques is too good for the women in there

jacques has the worst accent

>imagine the smell

>calls another boys name

Do we need someone in to replace Southgate before the World Cup lads?

He takes the bait to easy


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Think so. He's pissing me off so much lately let alone his decisions in the final.

>Paige is single as fuck
>will get mogged by Suuu for new lad
Literally boggles my mind lads

>I feel so bad
>laughs hysterically
honour killing needed

Paige is with Jaques


only cause jacques had to choose someone

He’s gunning for Gemma after Luca fucks it

Jaques wants paige back, hopefully they get together and the new jay guy gets with paige and luca gets kicked

Jaqcues the BTEC Chadam


She clearly enjoys humiliating him

meant to say gemma back oops

Luca is such a faggot

She called him Jax? Classic shit test. Drop this bitch.

I Wana fuck Paige so hard. She's so fit


>sit down
>sit down

Gemma is toxic af. all women should rope and livestream it

Luca took the bait so easy


That’s a big get

she's literally a teenager

lucas a bitch letting it affect him this much

Slags gonna be seething at that sit down shit but also getting wet at it.

Corr need a webm of Tash's bum