Gina Carano gets uncancelled TONIGHT in Terror on the Prairie

After getting cancelled and fired from Star Wars for sharing a meme about how people shouldn't be assholes to one another, Gina Carano was picked up by the Daily Wire to make an original movie in which she stars.

Terror on the Prairie is out tonight. Will you give your shekels to Ben Shapiro to own the libs? Will the movie be any good?
Find out tonight!

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lel dumb bitch ruined her career cause he couldn't stay away from twitter for 2 seconds

She can arm lock my dick any day, you if catch my meaning

Fuck out of here with this insufferable bitch, she's even more of a whiny cunt than her detractors. She can't act for shit either. Fucking direct-to-video bitch.

It's funny to me that people write shit in their bodies for a picture in sharpie. Wonder how long it takes for that stupid shit to clean off.

Lol like anyone is gonna watch this gay nigger bullshit.

Looks like a Youtube fanfilm.

>welfare is only good when we do it

u mad?


>American conservative filmmaking
Shapiro’s first film sucked and this one won’t be any different

>about to shotgun her kid to kill a snake

The fuck am I even watching?

Name 1 person who's first film was a good.

by saying something other celebrities said a thousand times to the same degree if not worse and not losing a career over it

if you donate money to russia you can get a street in donets named after you

>The right is starting to get better at movies and it's making lefties nervous
ngl I'll see this, I love Gina

>Ben Shapiro
Supporting him is worse than supporting Harvey Weinstein. Shapiro is more anti-white than anyone else in Hollywood, and even worse, he pretends to be your friend while he stabs you in the back. At least Hollywood kikes are honest enough to tell you how much they hate you.

You can take that shit off pretty easily with paint thinner.

>thinks shapiro is making and directing the film

>le strong girl power fat woman can singelhandedly fight off a dozen armed adult men
I love anti-woke cinema!

Hey i can spout bullshit too!

Biden is a great president.

>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Getting Cancelled Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Tweets Like Nigga Close Your Mouth Haha

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Mieshachads, where you at???

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Steven Spielberg
Ridley Scott
Robert Eggers

That's 3.

looks kino

>"le I am uncancelled and le fighting back!!"
>goes from starring in the biggest IP in film history to starring in some low budget direct to DAILY WIRE streaming movie
>movie flops because no one sees it
>she withers away into nothing once and for all

Francis Coppola.

>Got demoted from D+ star wars schlock to literally dtv bargain bin shit

lol lmao