It finally happened. Pixar is officially dead

It finally happened. Pixar is officially dead.

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Is the film about the toy? I don’t understand.

It's about the man the toy is based off

No. Buzz the toy was the toyline from this movie. This is the movie Andy watched and wanted to get a Buzz figure because of.

there is a black lesbian as a prominent character who saves Buzz multiple times and kisses her wife on screen. for the kids, you know.

Pixar hasnt existed since the day Disney bought them

You're a little late. They were dead the moment they made a soulless cash-grab sequel to Toy Story after ending the story perfectly.

at this point pixar should just be dissolved into disney. next movie sounds like inside out but worse.

Toy Story 2 is a perfect sequel contrarian

Yidsney sabotaged them since they make the same kind of movies now. Pixar will be old yeller'd within a decade

>for the kids, you know.
It literally is for the kids.

I was talking about Toy Story 4.

>Disney buy Pixar in 2006
>The first film they make is Cars a film designed entierly to sell toys
Checks out

After metooing Lasseter, Pixar has only pumped woke degenerate trash.

>sabotaging the studio you own

disney wants to make less money?

Disney doesnt give a shit about making money from the films, the films only exists to sell toys brainlet

This movie is like a parody of unnecessary Hollywood origin stories/reboots. It feels like something that would be on SNL.

it's about gays and gay sex, you dumdum

>andy was born in the late 1980s
>watched a movie at 8 or 9 that isn't even out yet with lqbtqia politics

spacetime continuum where?

then why let them make turning red? or onward? or soul or coco?

What about Tool Time Tim, he's still alive right?

But we already got that movie and it looked nothing like this.

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To sell toys?

In the Toy Story universe that's a remake of this new movie

none of those sold toys well.

Disney insisted his ABC tv show be cancelled because it was centre-right politically, despite the fact that it was pulling in large audience numbers. They don't want anything to do with him anymore.

And you know this how?

they all had shit awful designs for toys.

So you dont know then, thought as much fag

Where we're going, we don't need Pixar.

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You are still wrong you should have said Toy Story 3

Da fug. They really dont care at all about the product.

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Toy Story 3 was a great film that found a perfect way to end the story.

>Da fug. They really dont care at all about the product.
I hope you haven't only just realised that now.

They were dead long before that.

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Daily reminder this is the golden era of Pixar, or as I call it the Toy Story era (T*y St*ry 4 cannot be considered canon)

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Toy Story 1 to The Incrdibles is the best run in cinema history

No lol but I mean he's the voice of Buzz Lightyear.

>from wall-e, legit one of the best kid movies ever made, to this soulless garbaggio
Bros are we living in a dark age?

Toy story 3 was nothing compared to 2.
Pixar's death lines up EXACTLY with Karl's wife death in up because the rest of the movie sucked

It hurts me to think about all the amazing films they used to make and what they've been reduced to now.

They've been dead since Toy Story 3.

But the Good Dinosaur came out AFTER the soulless cash grab that was Toy Story 3


you are literally triggered over a cartoon movie for children.

They've been dead post-TS3. All their movies since Cars 2 are either soulless cash grabs or agenda-driven propaganda. After Lasseter got sacked, female CalArts grads swiftly took over & doubled down on the woke shit. They're barely worth watching anymore.

do they think anyone wants any of these other characters as toys? maybe if they came with helmets on but...
>Disney’s Star Wars sequel trilogies woes continue, as Diamond Select Toys President Chuck Terceira confirmed there is a lack of demand for products from the three films.

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You will never be a real woman

I demand proof

You will never have sex.

Children shouldn't be exposed to homosexuality. It's a form of pedophilia & instills grooming.

its called having standards, smooth brain. i will not be taking any of my 3 children to see this shit/buying the dvds/or any toys. keep coping.

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Not anymore as far as Yidsney are confirmed.