Is it kino?

Is it kino?

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Pure Kino

People will go on and on about how exposes pedo-jew-wood but the primary theme of the film being that even the most attractive man on the planet can't stop women from being whores and being incapable of love is truly a blackpill.

it's really great and if anything underrated.

Of the highest order and also a breakthrough in terms of discussing sex in society because it makes clear sexual impulses are everywhere and social norms are often just empty discourse

>the most attractive man on the planet
>Tom Cruise
guffaw. And the main point is how power makes one reject the Lord's grace

more interesting to discuss or analyse than to actually watch.
>shit pacing
>uneven acting
>shaky plot
>annoying music

i think kubrick would have trimmed a few miutes from the film before release if he had the opportunity

>the main point is how power makes one reject the Lord's grace

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Is this kino? Is that kino? Is this anti-kino? Is this based kino?
Nothing is Kino. It literally says on the fucking image

Anything that has nudity or sex is not kino

Philistine/sexually repressed take

Tom Cruise isn't, but he's pretty up there as a metaphor for it. He's a doctor, he's pretty wealthy. But Nicole wants to fuck every man but him? Kubrick was touching on the promiscuous nature of women and their inherent 2 dicks syndrome.

if you knew

Tom's character was just as flirtatious and actively seeks ways to cheat. It's about non-monogamic aspects in human nature, rich, poor, young, old, man, woman, married, single etc

The first half blew my pants off. The suspense, I felt like I was there. I felt the tension


Nicole Kidman's tits and bush

Apparently unpopular opinion; Nicole Kidman is not hot. Nor pretty. She's just tall and blonde.

it's the kinoest thing Kurbick ever made

What were they going to do to Tom if that one lady didn’t sacrifice herself?

Dumbing the movie down to a resentful incel "all women are whores" take is actually missing the point entirely. It was much more layered than that, but try explaining that to types such as you who probably have little if any social interaction, never been in relationships etc etc

This. Take this upboat, my friend.


>not Barry Lyndon
>not 2001
>not The Shining
>not The Clockwork Orange

I had already accepted your concession the first time around. You're welcome

my good sir this post really bacons the narwhal. you. I like you.

Yes. It's better than all those films

midwit take. literally google “movie explained” and learn how foolish you truly are. once you are done, return to reddit you dyel faggot


It’s a completely different film from the one he made and cut and showed to actors and friends.