What the fuck is confusing about the shining and the matrix

What the fuck is confusing about the shining and the matrix

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the shiting

Didn’t you se le epic documentary that explains crazy theories about the shining?

this list makes sense when you consider that half of the country are conservatives who can barely tie their own shoes

Stuff like this makes more sense when your realize that most of the people around you are dumber and less educated than you.

It's kind of a cringe meme to say so but honestly it might be true.


People are just fucking retarded.

Primer isn't on that list, so it tells you it's bullshit. The viewers probably haven't seen a lot of movies, so these are comparatively more confusing

Only maybe 4 of these movies are even remotely confusing, some of these aren't confusing at all if you pay even a modicum of attention.

I hate current america so much it's unreal.

da moon landing was fake! when jack sees the ghost he’s talking about Apollo 11

There is nothing "cringe" about accepting that most people are fucking stupid. That's acknowledging reality.

the only one of those even remotely close to confusing is 2001

how did he appeared on the photo?

Made by a 16 year old who watched the highest ranked movies on IMDB and calls himself a "film buff"

primer is only confusing when you're retarded enough to think it's about figuring out the timelines

I still don't get Arrival's ending without it sounding retarded. Would someone care to explain in simple terms?

Nah. It's cringe and what someone like you would call "midwit". If most people are stupid there's a good chance you are as well bit have duped yourself into believing you aren't (as stupid people tend to do). Therefore it's wise to not lambast the masses as stupid as it's very probable you're a part of that mass.
Wisest man in Athens knew that he knew nothing etc. etc.
Basically show some humility, cockface

brainlet shit all easily followed with careful watching except for maybe Mulholland Drive

>Time Crimes

She learned how to see the future after learning the aliens language

Tfw you realize 50% of the human population are double digit IQ and you still see people making it about politics
What's it like being bottom bell curve? Are there free snacks?

I didn't understand Mulholland Drive. It's frequently in 'movies men will never understand', so I wonder if it's a woman logic film.

>Basically show some humility

No. It's not my fault that the average person has shit for brains. Virtually all of those movies are fairly easy to understand as long as you pay attention. I don't know why you're so determined to defend people who struggle to understand movies like The Shining and The Matrix. Maybe you're one of them?

just shit my pants and I dont care

language was a 4d language; she didnt 'see' the future the language enabled her a perspective all along her entire existence

>I didn't understand Mulholland Drive
no one does, lynch included.

Show these people something like Stalker or El Topo and their heads would explode.

I don’t understand it but I feel it and that’s all that matters.

>What the fuck is confusing about the shining
how did jack nickelsen get out of a frjdge?


Yeah I got that but it sounds retarded, isn't there a better explanation

t.reddit halfwit

Haven't seen Thinking about ending things but only 2001's ending and Mulholland Drive are confusing. Every other movie spells out the premise pretty hard. Btw, for anyone who hasn't seen Predestination, you gotta watch it. One of my favourite sci-fi movies ever. Hawke and the chick are incredible.

Hope The Game is at the 16th place, or else this list is absolute shit tier.

You're probably thinking to yourself none of these are confusing, and they aren't. But you should remember that every single time a super hero movie comes out these websites rake in millions of views explaining to retards what happened.

Feels like 90% of movies from before the year 2000 are pretty much irrelevant to zoomers

For many years now I watch redditors come on here talking about how Primer is a movie for cretin and simple man.
When you ask them for a complex movie they can never reply.