Changes the spelling of your language for no fucking reason

>changes the spelling of your language for no fucking reason
Are there any other countries this annoying?

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>cuck stamp larping as england
Are there any other countries this annoying?

We will change the spelling even more if you keep complaining about it

>australians literally walk around doing their daily routine thinking these thoughts with no provocation
>they can't control themselves, they MUST post them online, they're seething so hard

english is incredibly overdue for a spelling reform

Ai agrí

This, also come up with new letters to make it more exciting.

Will probably never happen because the institution of speaking english is too globalized
+ I don't want a spelling reform and would oppose it
+ natives cope just fine and foreigners rarely misspell things either

No, an English spelling reform should use already existing letters to be more practical. I can type this without having to switch my keyboard layout.
Nou, an Inglish speling riform shud yúz olredi igzisting leterz tu bí mor praktikl. Ai kan taip dhis withaut having tu switsh mai kíbord leiaut.

A spelling reform would likely splinter off from normal English spelling and exist side-by-side with it.

Quite possibly one of the cringest opinions a “person” can have.

Yú ar krindzh dhou

not like complaning even needs that I, it sounds just the same without.


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In the regular form the I is needed to show that it's pronounced as ei and not ä.

No, it's perfect how it is. Besdies regulating a language is only something a Fr*nchman would think is a good idea

Yeah and we should add emojis too

Please stop.

Ai wil ignor yor rikwest and kíp speling laik dhis

Half of the time it was bongs who changed things. Like the pronunciation of “herb”, where brits say it with the H, for some reason.

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Or “leftenant” for lieutenant

Wtf is wrong with bongs

They own english. Get your own language if you want to complain

So when they say "in lieu of" is it "in lef of"?

Why doesn’t your system mark stress? SPELLing vs reQUEST and igNORE, and so forth.

Most languages don't. English isn't like Spanish where stress alone can change the meaning of a lot of words. Only example I can think of off the top of my head is trusty-trustee, but my spelling doesn't use happY-tensing so they're spelled trusti-trustí (acute accent indicates vowel-raising, not stress)


some other ones probably
youll notice theyre all greco latinate though

Then there are differences in stress that also involve vowel reduction, but since I don't have a letter for the mid-central vowel I can just represent them as syllabic consonants
kòntrast (noun; grave accent indicates lowering) kntrast (verb)