European fantasy

>european fantasy
complex stories
nuanced themes
low fantasy
focus instead on interesting characters
rooted in real european folk mythology
>shartistan fantasy
black and white story
the ultimate evil vs thr ultimate good
the hero with no flaws vs the horde of evil zombies who want to kill everything
over the top high fantasy to please the mutt masses
rooted in soulless Hollywood and Disney, no connection to folktales

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The Witcher is literally just R rated Shrek
>"Muh rooted in Slavic Folklore"
>It's actually all just Arthurian stuff from France/Wales


>low fantasy
Lol, LotR is high af fantasy with very black and white morals.

Which one does Lord of the Rings fall under

From a purely objective standpoint Gandalf was the villain

How so?

It's probably a hybrid. Anglos are culturally muttified after all

>low fantasy
You mean the story that has a Witch School, portals, dragons, ghosts, dimensional travel, Elves, trolls, etc.??


Conan and GoT are grey fantasy and American (GoT SUCKS though)

>Low fantasy is still typically set in a basically medieval, pre-gunpowder world, it often even has Tolkien-style elves and dwarves and the like, but it’s meant to look more like the real world in terms of how people act. There’s often plenty of magic and politics, but what there typically isn’t is world-saving heroics: the genre often deconstructs those as tending to cause more problems than they solve. It’s more friendly to anti-heroic protagonists and even the antagonists often have shades of gray to them.

lol this, the black and white morals were the whole point of the book. i feel like most people itt didnt actually read it and are just going off tv shows.

That's because the author of the LoTR believed morality actually exists, and isn't just an abstraction of the mind. The fact that some of his characters are largely good and don't commit any grave misdeeds within the short span of a year is, for some reason, held to be a fault by some who want an edgier story.

But all of these characters make their own weaknesses quite clear, and Tolkien's legendarium is full of figures who commit good and evil deeds in roughly equal measure.

>Anglos are culturally muttified after all
I guess the Catholic Church and Bible are American after all.
Tolkien was the Trad LARPer before they were a thing, he wrote Black and White because he believed in God and the Devil and that Christian morality was the definition of Goodness.
He wasn't gonna write something portraying God as flawed for the same reason you won't hear the Pope saying "Satan is just a misunderstood guy and God shouldn't have been so mean to him".

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luv witcher
end of

LotR is really shit at the parts where it sips into the story though.
Aragorn healing people was never interesting.
And he actually retconned in a letter that Eru(God) pushed Gollum into Mt. Doom. Which would be retarded.

You just might hear the Pope say that.

it includes many aspects of slavic folklore and myths.

Read the Witcher books nigger it's one of the worst piles of garbage someone ever made up.
It's colours of magic-tier trash fantasy but it lacks any originality.

It's impressive what little story Bioware and Netflix were able to salvage from this clusterfuck.

>And he actually retconned in a letter that Eru(God) pushed Gollum into Mt. Doom.
It's divine intervention. That much is obvious just from the text.

you might be surprised but generally Slavic myths were heavily influenced by the rest of Europe

doesn't change the fact that the Witcher isn't particularly "Slavic", it's just a generic fantasy Europe, maybe with some more Polish-related features like Novigrad based on Gdańsk

noone but illeterate retards tout Wiedźmin as wholly slavic
it's a love letter to european mythology and folklore as a whole