Conan the Barbarian

Okay that was kino. Is the sequel and Red Sonja worth watching?

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The sequel isnt nearly as good but its a fun watch anyway, Sonja is garbage

No. Watch The Northman, Excalibur and The 13th Warrior instead.

Attached: 13thwarriorWyv01.jpg (1000x1500, 1.06M)

13th Warrior is trash

>The Northman
Can't hold a candle to the other 2

Beowulf is worth a watch if you liked Conan

CtD is mostly shit but Any Forums likes it for obvious reasons. Red Sonja is really, really shit I mean fucking terrible. Watch Kull the Conqueror instead. Which is also shit but a fun flick. The intro with child Conan is the only part of the Momoa reboot worth watching.

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Sequel cant compete with the original in any and its basically a comedy but it has some cool scenes.

Red sonja is shit.

>the true one

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sequel and red sonja are crap, but they still have arnold, so yes, give them a watch
destroyer also still has music from the original composer so it's worth it just to hear in context

kull the conquerer was written as conan 3, but that's shit too, even ksorbs and tia carere couldn't save that pos


yeah, but michael crichton wrote it, so worth a watch when you're really bored

watch this

the CG one?

The sequel looks realy low budget, but i liked it

Watch animated kino instead
Conan vs lizard people (da jooz)

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Will the Uncut Differently titled 13th Warrior be ever be released?

Shit is fucking garbage. Overrated schlock that doesn't survive past the 80s. Okay score, not much else.

Sequel is very D&D. RS is just shit. Beastmaster is an ok compliment.

no supernatural elements in this
but it is kino, for adults, has the same godlike composer and is verhoven's first hollywood film

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Arnold is a shill.
Jews fear the Sorborai.

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Vile piece of shit.

Robocop. Meanwhile... Conan the Barbarian. L O L

Trash, costume aside.

also I highly recommend you spend an afternoon reading the KING CONAN script that will never get made

milius and arnold still want to do another conan, but the rights are messy and neither are in their prime anymore, just read the script and use your imagination

no idea bro