How is she good in everything she’s in?

How is she good in everything she’s in?

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she knows what the audience wants to see and delivers

Rolex ?



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Is this flick any good?

not OP

it's a'ight -- you might find the ending a bit of an anti-climax, but the world-building is fantastic

literally fucking who?

Miss Peregrine

While she's an interesting performer, she's Tom Cruise levels of eccentric.
Those crazy eyes aren't an act.


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Did you guys know she plays a lesbian rapist in Cracks (2009)?
Nothing graphic, but what's implied is really hot

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Eva green is so kino


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that's the one where she's a teacher at a girls school and insists upon swimming naked right?

booba alert


I remember finding that scene oddly touching for some reason. she seemed so concerned for him, after being cool and aloof before. maybe it was the breasts, but it was vaguely motherly.


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the protagonist of this was left without a career after losing the role of Spiderman

What's this from? She looks a lot like my college crush here.

this is a film we made of your college days without your knowledge

Mrs peregrine's

I hated that they changed main girl's ability from pyrokinesis to floating in the movie. In the books she was cute and feisty waifu but in this flick she was much lame, reminded me of watered down version of the girl from Sleepy Hollows
Not to mention final showdown was hilariously bad and the ending was forced and retarded

>reminded me of watered down version of the girl

literally, huh ?

i've never read the book, but your description sounds interdastn

She should have been Lois Lane opposite of Cavill Superman

It should have been her instead of Debicki in Vita and Virginia

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There's a certain confidence that comes with being hotter than the Sun.

This movie sucks