What the fuck is he doing?

What the fuck is he doing?

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By the look on his face, I’m guessing he’s enjoying a sour candy.

naahh...not this lad.
this one was gulping on producer's knobs, delivering sloppiest jobs in their lifetimes.
this lad enjoys "sour" candy


>What the fuck is he doing?
Starting a cult.

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first he's going to destroy every foid in hawaii. then, the world.

Him and Tokota Iron Eyes have moved to a cabin in the mountains to hide from old man law. She cooks while he takes occasional trips to local truck stops to get gangbanged.

Good question. I don't get the attraction.

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Never liked the cunt. All the normie faggots were calling charismatic and the like as flash but to me he seemed weird and fake as shit, and turns out he is a little psycho, color me surprised

>Tokata Iron Eyes
Legitimately sounds like an anime character.

this lad's tongue dances tango in tandem with "big money's" bellends

In English, chang

>mentally unstable lgbtq+ member acts like a dangerous, unstable weirdo

Imagine my shock

why are his lips so dark? red wine?

He's licking ass, you illiterate mongrel

Saving the world from more capeshit

its she bigot.

Make-up. He wants to be a woman but knows he can't so lashes out against actual women.

Any update?

What? What’s he doing?


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He's licking ass, you illiterate mongrel

Get cancer nigger amerimutt, this is God's own English you're witnessing right now lad.

>chinks won’t explain their gobbledegook
>keep replying anyways

Ezra is schizophrenic, you must respect his multiple personalities and refer to them as 'they'.

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>according to great bear spirit in the sky

Can he just kill the kid that he kidnapped and then kill themselves quickly?

Ye coxcomb

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He's done. After the Flash comes out we'll never see him again.